April 18, 2023 — Tuesday,
April 18, 2023 — Tuesday,
(April 18–20), 3:09 AM,
Central European Time
We swim in the pond of opportunity and everyone drinks from their own cup. The sky is silent. There may be a sense that we have lost touch with groups or associations that were once important, and this requires an evaluation of emotional health.
Social dynamics indicate that it is still good to connect with others, like-minded and related groups. Energy invested in compassion will bring a fresh charge to life.
VENUS semi-square JUPITER brings the ladies onto the stage and the rest feel either restless or lazy; they either spend too much or save too much; they either rebel against religious norms or adapt.
VESTA conjunction TRUE NODE square LILITH in LEO is a strange bond. Some questions have easy answers, some don’t. Life is full of mysteries and enigmas. Some of them inspire, some create blockages. However, the answer lies in being optimistic. Let’s look up. Let’s not swallow frogs. Let’s try to talk and understand that we can’t fix everything at once. Slowly, as opposed to the urge to act immediately. You have a hint of what Heaven is, and that moment of mutual recognition makes your heart beat a little faster.
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Have a great day!
Irena Tancheva