April 19, 2023 — Wednesday,
April 19, 2023 — Wednesday,
VENUS semi-square ERIS — You may be going through a difficult transition or find it difficult to change. It can be difficult to figure out what the priority is. Even though communication is slow, words seem to stretch indefinitely or cannot roll off the tip of the tongue, still open yourself to more perspectives and truths. You are called to recognize and appreciate the beauty of nature and that which lies within you. This is a call for awareness. Feel how this recognition works on you — your body, mind and spirit — MOON conjunction CHIRON. You need to nurture yourself through healing or spiritual modalities.
Let go of power struggles. Stop trying to control everything and just BE. Allow yourself to see the divine nature in everything, including the direction of your path that is happening right now. Remember that you are a co-creator in the universe. Become aware of how your passion flourishes. Follow that direction without fear: it is where stars are born. The more you value yourself, the more you will be able to trust your choices. Recognize the evolution of your visionary path and follow the beauty of that bliss.
Irena Tancheva