August 3, 2022 — Wednesday
Irena Tancheva
August 3, 2022 — Wednesday
VENUS in CANCER sextile MARS in TAURUS is an aspect that requires a sensitive handling of the practical obligations of everyday life, but mostly in intimate relationships, such as making a household budget, daily expenses, creating healthy boundaries in romantic relationships, because despite the strong desire for a peaceful coexistence, however, there is a tendency towards indecision and tension — MOON square VENUS — which can further complicate personal life.
You may feel that you cannot rely on your love partner, perhaps something more is required of you, something that you cannot give or something that you do not have, perhaps some personal values are violated, which may lead to misunderstandings that will then be reflect as a tendency to overeat, etc.
MOON opposition CHIRON Rx in ARIES is an aspect that further emphasizes the feeling of insecurity, so despite the fact that we want to initiate new projects, new relationships, to heal old wounds in a new way, these attempts may still be unsuccessful and will not hit the mark: there may be unpredictable outbursts of emotion or a strange silence, and all this is related to the unresolved relationship in the past with the female parent or the lack of a clear sense of the mother’s identity.
Fortunately, these are all short-term aspects, and the MOON trine PALLAS is an aspect that will help to make a new strategy and formulate a new plan before proceeding with any action.
These influences will be most felt by the cardinal signs — ARIES, CANCER, LIBRA and CAPRICORN — as well as those who have the Moon, Ascendant or any planet in them. In general, today would be ideal if you could find a quiet place, stand in front of your own mirror and light a new candle: the reflection in the mirror will tell you if you are exaggerating your emotions, what is hidden in your subconscious and what you need to do further to find happiness and fulfilment.
Tomorrow at 8:58 AM, CET, MERCURY enters analytical VIRGO, whose transit will help us think more logically, express ourselves more tactfully and rationally, and be more objective.