August 6 and 7, 2022, Saturday and Sunday
Irena Tancheva
August 6 and 7, 2022, Saturday and Sunday
moving into SAGITTARIUS, 6:38 PM, CET
(August 6–8)
Conception, manifestation and completion — everything moves in cycles and then begins again. Every activity requires an intention with which we move towards the fulfilment of our goals. The MOON in SCORPIO activates VENUS in CANCER and NEPTUNE Rx in PISCES in trine, which is a nice platform to compassionately help loved ones with some small and tiny acts of care and love, knowing it will have a powerful effect on their emotions. These are beautiful moments when we are aware that we have to make concessions to make others happy.
Water signs will benefit the most from this influence — CANCER, SCORPIO and PISCES — who will use their imagination to achieve their goals. Drawing on past experiences will help you remain compassionate.
The adventurous MOON in SAGITTARIUS will bring friends together in a beautiful and cheerful feast, tell good jokes, offer new worldviews and bright chances to solve problems.
This MOON has a fiery quality, an element that is considered healing in many cultures. The fire was born to be free, to spread its heat and energy, and with its flames it offers new insights and spiritual realizations. It sets our beliefs on fire. It’s a passion. Joy. Intense spiritual transformation.
Fire signs will feel this influence the most — ARIES, LEO and SAGITTARIUS — who will find the strength to forgive and thus overcome the last emotional challenges. Time heals everything, especially if you allow yourself to be kind and compassionate.
Sunday — VENUS square ERIS Rx in ARIES and VENUS trine NEPTUNE Rx in PISCES — this is a struggle between comfortable living, false reality and free will. Feelings of isolation, dissatisfaction and bullying are possible. With good thinking we will discover what is real and what is not and we will manage to sail to calmer shores.
MARS in TAURUS square SATURN Rx in AQUARIUS is an aspect that will momentarily limit our will and ability to act, will emphasize contradictions and require us to control our energy level because only in this way will we be able to achieve great success, each in their own way.
This aspect will activate the fixed signs — TAURUS, LEO, SCORPIO and AQUARIUS — who will have to use their diplomatic talents and their calmness, thus overcoming the struggle between light and dark, fear, confusion, chaos and remaining resolute.
So dear friends, follow the Sun to find your inner Moon. Allow the bigger vision to replace old ideas as you dream bigger dreams.