December 11 and 12, 2022 — Sunday and Monday
December 11 and 12, 2022 — Sunday and Monday,
moving into LEO, 9:08 PM,
(December 11–14)
Central European Time
Sunday — In addition to the home hearth and workshop, today we should choose wisely when to work and when to rest and relax. MOON square ERIS Rx says that we would like to reach out to others, invent new strategies and come up with creative solutions, but not at any cost because we might make a mistake, so it would be great if we found a meditative pleasure in our work — MOON trine NEPTUNE. Effort does not have to exclude enjoyment.
A burst of fun and spontaneity is followed by conscientious effort and strong self-discipline — MERCURY and VENUS transit CAPRICORN. The sky reminds you that in order to work hard, you need to allow yourself to let off steam from time to time and wake up your creative juices — MOON trine JUPITER opposition PLUTO. Break the routine to refresh your focus. Have a day where you don’t spend just-like-that to find pleasure over money. Reduce your desires, dispose of your means in moderation, and you will achieve an aura of class. Class never runs scared. It is self-discipline and self-knowledge.
The transit of the MOON in LEO will emphasize expressiveness, the desire for recognition, loyalty and will bring warm feelings and joy.
Monday — And so, dear astro friends, we slowly start counting the last days of the calendar year from now, wanting to buy ourselves and our loved ones something luxurious, and yet not to overspend — MOON quincunx VENUS and MERCURY.
If you are looking for a job, correct your CV or seek advice from authorities — SUN sextile SATURN. All things now require a serious approach, not frivolity, and a willingness to let your inner child lay a strong foundation. That way you will use your time constructively, whether for work or play. Every minute of every day is precious. Use them wisely.
@Irena Tancheva