February 25 and 26, 2023 — Saturday and Sunday
February 25 and 26, 2023 — Saturday and Sunday,
moving into GEMINI, (February 26 — March 1), 4:47 PM,
Central European Time
Saturday — SUN semi-sextile VENUS — imagination fuels the fire, beauty, and euphoria of VENUS in ARIES. The dignity of this planet in the first spring sign is in exile, so it has the drive to lead, to be first, to arouse passions and to conquer.
Venus here is a warrior — with one glance or a movement of an eyebrow, she says what she wants, orders, sets new goals, is guided by instincts and sets fire to everything around her. She has a cross or a star on her forehead, she is looking for fire and the smell of flame. She carries herself defiantly, proudly, she walks bravely, attracting all eyes to herself. She is a real seductress. Today she is here, tomorrow she is gone. You will recognize her by the fact that she is always faster, taller and ahead of the others. She has an urban fashion style, wearing jeans, sneakers or high, flat-heeled military boots and always with some kind of sunglasses, and if not, she hides her eyes from the sunlight as if saluting higher military authorities. Not everyone can handle this fire. She wants it all now or never. She will rarely consider a second chance. She is passionate, boisterous and puts herself first: she shakes things up to enjoy greater spontaneity and freedom in life.
MOON conjunction URANUS, Lord of inventiveness and ingenuity, eccentricity and sudden insights is a situation where something unexpected, exciting or risky can happen again. MOON semi-sextile MARS is a moment when the fighting spirit, aggressiveness and desire for competition or challenges can be awakened. Beware of possible frustration.
Sunday — MERCURY semi-sextile VENUS — this is an aspect that will make us refrain from expressing our true thoughts and feelings because now they will be distorted, the insights unrealistic and the timing unfavourable. Don’t let your emotions cloud your reason. Use common sense and seek the truth.
The transit of the MOON in GEMINI will bring company with whom to discuss controversial topics, intrigues and bring liveliness to any debate. The need for stimulation, pleasure and fun will grow, so in the evening you will go out, take a walk or exchange some information over the phone.
@Irena Tancheva