Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio

Irena Tančeva
8 min readMay 5, 2023


May 5, 2023 — Friday,
Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio,
7:34 PM,

Central European Time

The next Full Moon which is also a Lunar Eclipse takes place in the sign of the mysterious Scorpio, a sign of fixed quality and water element. The traditional ruler of Scorpio was Mars, and Pluto becomes the modern ruler, which gives it mysterious qualities, obsessive tendencies, urges for self-destruction, but also renewal, i.e. rebirth, and hence we get the image of this sign as the bird Phoenix that burns itself and renews itself from own ashes.

In the period between two eclipses, the feelings of anxiety, nervousness and uncertainty are accentuated, phobias and fears of all kinds arise, the origin of which is unclear, nebulous and indescribable. However, it should be known that this is a kind of passage, a portal after which we will feel relaxed and regenerated, so we will be able to move on with new schemes prompted by the dynamic developments and new transits of the planets in May 2023.

The nature of Scorpio is full of contradictions — this is a sign with an unquenchable struggle of passions and feelings. The most prominent trait of Scorpio is restraint, and this is exactly what makes those born under this sign secretive. These personalities never allow their most intimate and hidden spheres to be penetrated and successfully hide their weak points, likes and dislikes from others. If they suffer an injustice, Scorpios hardly forget and are unable to ignore the facts, hence they do not admit defeat, fight to the end even at the cost of their own destruction and concentrate their forces in the direction of the ideal they want to achieve. Loyal, intelligent and highly intuitive, Scorpios know good from evil.

The Full Moon is the culmination of a cycle when the Moon is in direct opposition to the Sun, thus putting personal and family needs in a kind of conflict, as we feel that we have difficulty meeting our personal needs and harmonizing them with the needs of family and loved ones. Full Moons illuminate, bring clarity, and often coincide with revelations and climaxes.

This Full Moon will also be a Lunar Eclipse, but will have a moderate influence as the Moon will darken, but will not disappear completely as it slips into Earth’s outer shadow, creating a penumbral lunar eclipse.

During the eclipse, sky watchers will see the Moon darken, but not completely disappear. The eclipse will be visible in Antarctica, then in Asia, Russia, Oceania and East and Central Africa.

Active aspects for this Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse will be the opposition with URANUS and the retrograde MERCURY and the two planets in TAURUS and all that in an orb of several degrees, which practically means not quite exact oppositions, but still very active and with a strong influence.

FULL MOON opposition URANUS is an aspect that creates contradictory emotions: on the one hand, the need for independence and flying towards greater freedom is emphasized, against the need for greater intimacy and flying towards darker regions in order to explore the darker needs of one’s own nature, but also of humanity in general. This is something of a graceful transition, vividly described as the flight of the falcon, which is a day bird, and the flight of the owl, which is a night bird, both birds patrolling important life transitions that require us to expand our vision to pursue our desire and a passion for joy, growth and freedom.

However, this is not an ideal time for change — MERCURY is in retrograde motion and aspected by an opposition from this FULL MOON — people do not understand each other properly and cannot fix the timing for an agreement, contacts or conversations, and moreover the opposition with URANUS on which he is not at his best in TAURUS, it causes restlessness, a feeling of being pressed against the wall, intolerance, hence nervousness, an attack of anxiety or rebelliousness, as well as unexpected events or encounters that can lead to impulsive reactions, especially in the home. Strained family dynamics, revelation of secrets and changing relationships with women are possible. The desire for individuality and achieving personal goals will be strong, so this is an invitation to see and experience this transition as an experience or adventure that happens to someone else.

VENUS in GEMINI is in a sextile with JUPITER in ARIES and in a square with NEPTUNE in PISCES which gives a surreal dimension to the whole situation, a tendency to self-deception and excessive idealism, and in a positive sense creative intelligence and inspiration, as well as the establishment of harmonious relationships with people.

MARS trine NEPTUNE sextile URANUS is a situation that will produce beautiful, creative and innovative solutions, especially if an imaginative approach is taken and confrontations are avoided.

As a challenging aspect in creation occurs the square between PLUTO Retrograde in AQUARIUS and JUPITER in ARIES which will be exact on May 17, as well as the square of PLUTO with the TRUE NODE. This situation indicates fixed beliefs and attitudes that do not change, hence digging your heels into the ground and stalling, especially around some important fateful decisions or karmic situations. Hence it is possible to lose faith in one’s own instincts. This is especially important for the fixed signs — TAURUS, LEO, SCORPIO and AQUARIUS.

This FULL MOON and Lunar Eclipse is happening at 14° Scorpio 58′, and the Sabian symbol for this degree is called — Children Playing Around Five Mounds Of Sand. In addition to the first light and playful atmosphere, this symbol invites us to ask ourselves how much childishness is still in us and in what ways we play. Do we still remember how we played as children, that naive and simple childhood happiness, or have we surrendered completely to modern toys that steal and shorten our time more and more?

Yes, today’s technology offers much in the way of connecting with others far and wide, as well as creatively integrating new ideas, but in return it takes and grabs even more, most of all time that can never be regained, then chastity, as well as grief for the lost honest child’s play or childhood. The real connection with friends, as opposed to the two-dimensional projections that are made by seeing only the information that is posted on social networks. The unreal experience of concrete reality, as opposed to the real experience of virtual reality. The most vulnerable category are of course the youngest, our children, because they have no reference to what life and real play in nature was like before the advancement of technology. That’s why they have a poorly developed emotional intelligence, as opposed to a strong awareness in the digital world, and from here all kinds of personal degradation, lack of a sense of real identity and personal development, as well as sinking down into the dark abyss of subconscious drives and fears.

This is considered the feminine and weaker degree of Scorpio: people are guided more by the heart than by reason and courage is more impulsive than constant, which practically means impulsive reactions rather than well-thought-out solutions. Not having a sense and taste for an organized environment and religion, but a penchant for the occult, secrets and practices in current trends.

Dane Rudhyar says these are still early steps in the development of a mind that wants to align itself with the higher level of human evolution. Some individuals, however, are born with a special potential for the development of the higher, creative mind and into social circumstances that favour this development. In most cases, they are still “playing” with their unusual capacity. They are in the kindergarten stage of this higher development of the mind. What is seen here is FUTURE ORIENTED GROWTH.

Therefore this symbol asks all of us to remove the projections of others while playing, working or having fun. It is something like holy anger and compassion, courage and the will to love ourselves. One simple way to be aware of how to do this is to remember that projections are not about us. They are about the wounded imaginations of the people doing the projection. These wounded fantasies prevent the creation of real relationship and real love. They are an invisible wall of expectation that keeps love at bay.

In order to succeed in returning to our innocent and pure childhood play we need to discover our true Self, so why not return to our original Self over the years? What has always meant something to us? This is a great moment to ask questions like — What did I want to do as a child? What am I dreaming about now? If you could imagine your perfect life in reality, what would that life be like?

Get to know yourself better and you will find that your original pattern shines — deep inside yourself. It’s only a matter of time before you discover the innate, true, authentic and original version of yourself that you’ve always been in love with.

By the end of May, we will see several more major planetary changes and transits that will change reality in a big way! All this will have an impact and effect on all people, even those who cannot consciously perceive it. These are subtle energies and the more skilfully and successfully you know how to use and understand these energetic realities, the more you will succeed in growing and being fascinated by the world around you.

- Venus enters Cancer — May 7th
- Mercury Direct — May 14
- Jupiter enters Taurus — May 16
- New Moon in Taurus — May 19
- Mars enters Leo — May 20
- The Sun enters Gemini — May 21
- First Quarter Moon — May 27

All these developments affect us in a similar way, but also each of us in a very unique way. All this depends, of course, on where, that is, in which houses and sectors of the natal charts all this will happen, so we could draw conclusions and make predictions from there.

If you are interested in astro analysis and want to integrate this knowledge or specifically how all these developments will affect you, contact me at the following email: tancevai@yahoo.com.

If you have questions or want to talk, schedule a consultation.

Have a nice day!

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Irena Tancheva

References > Space.com and Dane Rudhyar, Sabian symbols



Irena Tančeva
Irena Tančeva

Written by Irena Tančeva

Astrologer & Tarot lover. Writing daily and weekly astrology forecasts. New Moon and Full Moon reports. Stargazing, stargazing, stargazing.....

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