Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse (Total) in Taurus

Irena Tančeva
7 min readNov 5, 2022


8 November 2022 — Tuesday,
Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse (Total),
in Taurus, 12:02 PM,

Central European Time

The next Full Moon in Taurus is significant in that it will also be a Total Lunar Eclipse, a phenomenon that occurs when the Earth’s shadow blocks sunlight that would otherwise be reflected by the Moon. This is a Total Eclipse, which makes it even more significant and intense, and the impact of which we will feel for the next six months, maybe even nine, very likely more time than indicated.

The Moon will conjunct Uranus, then square Saturn, oppose the Sun, Venus and Mercury in Scorpio and create a powerful fixed T-square. This means that the energy will be static and constant, pointing us to pay more attention to eternal values such as the family home and birthplace.

This combination of aspects indicates fidelity to the principles of life and adherence to tradition, as well as creative processes and fertility cycles, and symbolizes important changes in our individual and collective lives.

SUN opposition MOON is an aspect that says that our focus will be on children, pets, plants, food and possessions that we have, practically everything connected with the sign of TAURUS. On a larger scale, this is a time when you could be involved with the public, your homeland, with life (ecology), etc. Try to allow for interdependence, so you can both give and receive nurturing support. The Lunar Eclipse represents a reset of emotions, releasing emotional baggage from the previous six months.

You are likely to be more sensitive, whether you are more aware of your own emotional needs or empathetic, feeling the needs of others. Stay in touch with your unconscious. Dreams are one of the effective ways to become aware of inner tensions and anxieties, so now at least one can begin to deal with the problems.

FULL MOON opposition MERCURY is an aspect that makes it difficult to express emotions: the topics are important and serious and require us to rely on the knowledge of the past. Before acting, the wise play with concepts in the realm of theory and speculation, then weave the ideas gracefully into a verbal dance. This is a way to explore the passions that drive us and our feelings, and then draw conclusions.

FULL MOON conjunct URANUS Rx encourages a longing for excitement and emotional freedom, in order to break the rules and take risks. The emotional tone is extremely unstable, the desire for independence is strong and there is strong impatience, anxiety, rebelliousness, mostly in love relationships, but also in professional alliances. This is the moment when you will have to make a decision and you are only a few centimeters away from closing the deal. Seal it with a kiss — metaphorical or real.

MERCURY opposition URANUS Rx will make you think outside of the ordinary: this is a wonderful aspect for working on a project or with a team that demands originality, but if you find that this kind of thinking surprises others excessively and complicates things, don’t force it and stay open to input from the environment. Try not to scatter mental energy in all directions and avoid drastic and impulsive decisions. This mostly applies to communication, trading, the financial market, and here we can expect huge changes.

FULL MOON square SATURN is a challenging aspect that causes depression and negative thinking, but it also gives a chance to gain more maturity through existing experiences. Difficult lessons from the past can serve as a springboard that will serve as a booster in difficult moments: you will discover that you have an emotional strength that others will want to develop. Use this strength in your work or to improve your personal life.

FULL MOON opposition VENUS represents a conflict between our needs and the needs of other people, and can also cause uncertainty in social situations. Complications in intimate life are possible that will be corrected only by avoiding controversial situations: simply agree that you do not understand each other and wait for a more favourable time. Once you do that, you will be able to regain your confidence.

MARS is stationed retrograde in GEMINI and everything that happens happens very slowly (October 30, 2022 — January 12, 2023); suddenly the things we know we don’t seem to know enough and we have no idea where to turn. At times panic, disorientation or hopelessness can occur, and the antidote to this situation is healthy curiosity and the right way to investigate things. In the darkest moments if you feel lost, follow your inner spark that will somehow lead you to your desired goal — MARS square NEPTUNE Rx. These are healing waters that will soothe your pain and encourage faith.

Saturn is still square to Uranus Rx in Taurus, an aspect that puts us in situations to make difficult and serious decisions between contrasting and conflicting situations that require us to adapt or seek compromise especially with authority figures. It is reflected at the collective level as a need for the implementation of urgent socio-economic changes. However, this pressure from this square will make us use all the available opportunities to realize the visionary forms and structures that will benefit us personally, but also collectively, in our world now and long into the future.

Beyond the terror of war — literal and informational — there is an opportunity to tackle creative projects, like drowning men grasping at straws. Poverty is corrosive, brings insecurity, impatience and envy to people, sticks in the sleeves like a shadow from the past years and reminds us of the times when the world was ready to make compromises for the benefit of all humanity. Now there is a refusal, an obstinacy to negotiate the differences for a peaceful resolution, but suddenly an unexpected and dramatic change can happen.

Although this FULL MOON is with blocked energy due to aspects in the fixed signs, it still brings inspiration, potential and new beginnings, and the details of our plans will be revealed to us slowly when the time comes, but what is important now is the initial surge of passion and energy.

Sometimes we can get stuck in the same situation, just because it seems safe, familiar and comforting, but it can get boring. So we dig in the same ground trying to find new treasures and looking for inspiration, and the result is a bigger hole in ourselves. Meanwhile, the atmosphere is getting heavy and a storm is brewing.

Other people’s actions may seem to be against us personally, but sometimes the universe works through others to bring us to a better place. Change is inevitable. Things are changing. We cannot control the storm that is unleashed as the process unfolds, but once it is over, peace reigns and inspiration returns.

This Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse occurs at 16 Taurus 01', and the Sabian symbol for this degree is named — The Symbolic Battle Between Swords And Torches. This symbol asks us to distinguish between what is a need and what is a want. It’s like we just go in the direction of what we want, without having a strategy for where we want to go — the sword is a symbol of having a clear intellect. Without a true knowledge of natural laws we cannot get anywhere: attempts seem futile. We see things through a black and white perspective. We could be angry, rebellious, so leadership shown from an official position is needed. Conflicts and resolutions. Theories and ideals of battles. Arguments about ideals can easily turn into battle and war. We have already seen all this in the past.

Crusading spirit; fighting evil forces (ideologies that demonize their opponents or project their darker sexual impulses onto them); coming face to face with an enemy — who is often simply a stranger with a different set of values.

Dane Rudhyar names this the Polarization of Values: a battle between dark and light, between strong and weak, black and white, sick and healthy, angels and demons… Refusing to rely on the past, the seeker becomes a warrior, fighting anew in the eternal “ Great War”. This symbol suggests that salvation is achieved through the individual’s willingness to face all issues as if there were only two opposing sides. Thus teaches the Bhagavad-Gita. This is the dharma of this stage of human evolution.

With gentle care we can bring balance and healing through traditional ceremonial tools that create protection and connection. Seeing ourselves as separate from nature leads to our alienation and loneliness. That is why we will find comfort and psychological protection in seeing time and circumstances as part of the natural progression of life.

Remember that we are all part of All That Is, part of God, not separate. Every molecule of our being is a spark of energy and light that connects with every other energy particle in a way that speaks of oneness with everything in the universe. Seen this way, we clearly see that we are never alone, always loved and always protected.

What do you expect to change in your life with this Eclipse?

@Irena Tancheva

References > http://www.mindfire.ca/An%20Astrological%20Mandala/An%20Astrological%20Mandala%20-%20Taurus%2016-30.htm




Irena Tančeva
Irena Tančeva

Written by Irena Tančeva

Astrologer & Tarot lover. Writing daily and weekly astrology forecasts. New Moon and Full Moon reports. Stargazing, stargazing, stargazing.....

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