Full Moon in Aquarius
Irena Tancheva
August 12, 2022 — Friday
Full Moon in Aquarius,
at 3:36 AM,
Time Zone — Central European Time
The next Full Moon, which is also the biggest Super Moon of the year, occurs in the early morning hours of August 12, 2022, at 3:36 AM, in the sign of forward-thinking, honest, technologically inclined and humanistic Aquarius. This is a sign whose natural and modern ruler is the original and unpredictable Uranus, and whose traditional ruler is the organized and structured Saturn.
The Full Moon is the culmination of a cycle, when the Moon is in direct opposition to the Sun, thus putting personal and family needs in a kind of conflict, as we feel that we have difficulty meeting our personal needs and harmonizing them with the needs of family and loved ones.
The Sun is in the proud and intensely individual Leo, a sign with a fire element and a fixed quality. The best in its field, respected and tolerant, this is a sign with sublime intelligence, creativity and immense motivation.
The Moon in Aquarius is a bit detached and cold, understanding of other people but more on an intellectual level and as long as itself is not too involved in other people’s drama and emotions, so in contrast to the warm and expressive Sun in Leo, this is a day when the emotional reactions could be turned on or off as needed, in order to overcome tension, reduce conflicts and competition: like one snake with two heads pulling in different directions.
This Full Moon is conjunction Saturn Rx in Aquarius, and in a square to Uranus and the Nodes on the Taurus/Scorpio axis, which gives it an extremely fixed quality, i.e. an inability to move forward towards already set goals due to the tendency towards incompatibility, disagreements, repression or the need to avoid conflict, which creates the possibility of additional conflict and misunderstandings.
Fortunately, Mercury is transiting through the rational, organized and adaptable Virgo, helping to arrive at logical solutions and conclusions for the benefit of all through quick and down-to-earth communication: whether you like things or not, you will have to start to consider how to align with others to live in harmony with humane concepts and a sense of service to others. Although it will remain unaspected, Mercury in Virgo is a perfectionist with a good eye for details, a sense of constructive criticism and an analytical mind.
Venus has just entered into the extravagant Leo, from where craves for love, attention and loyalty.
Mars is still in the practical Taurus, trine Pluto Rx in Capricorn and sextile Neptune Rx in Pisces. The first aspect gives a strong sense of direction, mission and activity so that we will know which activities need to be eliminated in order to achieve the desired goal. The second aspect helps in finding creative solutions to problems in favour of more peaceful and subtle solutions.
Jupiter Rx is placed in the dynamic Aries, but is unaspected, from where it nevertheless influences through the power of positive thinking and initiatives.
The closest aspect is the conjunction between the Moon and Saturn Rx, which has a strong manifesting energy through the power of persistent work which of course eventually brings results. However, this aspect emphasizes cold emotional reactions, a feeling of isolation, caution and withdrawal, but also enjoyment in solitary activities.
Moon square Uranus is an aspect that will emphasize the strong need for individuality, freedom and independence, as well as the use of one’s free will according to one’s own needs and patterns. This can encourage self-will and ambition to pull everyone to their own side and thus cause anxiety and nervousness.
Pluto Rx in Capricorn sextile Neptune Rx in Pisces is an aspect that will bring forth a strong creative power of regeneration and growth through moments of crisis, leading to spiritual awakening and rebirth.
Pluto Rx square the dwarf planet Eris, now retrograde in Aries is an aspect that could bring pressure and friction between a sense of strength, power and confidence (Pluto) triggered by others in ways that can lead to escalations of conflict, dissatisfaction and competition (Eris). This aspect will be active from August 5, to November 5.
The Full Moon occurs at 19 Aquarius 21', and the Sabian symbol for this degree is named — A Big White Dove Carrying a Message. According to Dane Rudhyar, this symbol speaks of spiritual aspirations through prolonged and sustained individual effort. Any indomitable spirit can go through some kind of crisis in the search for self-knowledge, through which it can see the secret message or prophecy of what is yet to come.
With every little activity man makes an effort to overcome inertia and ignorance, so that the Divine is always present in all kinds of true victories. A white dove always signifies Peace and carries a message that you have probably been waiting for some time, followed by the announcement and celebration of the message itself.
According to Kozminsky, this is a symbol of a mind which is studious, serious, perhaps conservative, but which is working on the cultivation of its higher nature. This is a special genius in some field of science, music or seeker of truth whose key he has in his hands and uses it very skillfully.
This Full Moon will bring perseverance, centering, breakthroughs in some sciences, as well as courage and progress, especially if we do not identify too much with the problems in our environment. Even if we’re feeling restless, facing sudden changes from the outside, unsure of how to act and even ready to give up, this Super Moon will offer a way to use difficulties as stepping stones to grow in our awareness, rather than telling ourselves stories about how hard life is.
In this way, we will come to a stronger and greater self-confidence, love and respect for humanity, a new vision for the world that is just waking up to the beat of the new era. Here’s your chance to stand up for what you believe in without compromise. The fixed energy of this New Moon will allow us to stay centered, focused and give us space to unravel those situations that seem hopeless.
Therefore, dear astro friends, keep in mind that your courage is a flame that cannot be extinguished. A part of you will find your own peace deep within and your own silence. With the newly found inner harmony, you will cause external conditions and factors to find their own way and calm down more beautifully than you initially imagined.