Full Moon in Capricorn
Irena Tancheva
July 13, 2022 — Wednesday
Full Moon in Capricorn
at 8:37 PM
Time Zone — Central European Time
The next Full Moon occurs on July 13, 2022 in the sign of organized, disciplined, restrained and serious Capricorn.
The Full Moon is the culmination of a cycle when the Moon is in direct opposition to the Sun, thus putting personal and family needs in a kind of conflict, as we feel that we have difficulty meeting our personal needs and harmonizing them with the needs of family and loved ones.
The Sun is in the sensitive, family-oriented and vulnerable Cancer, from where it insists that we pay attention to precisely these sectors of life: the home, its basic needs, food, protection and dealing with emotions.
These two celestial bodies in opposition create a kind of tension between the two completely different currents. Then, the Moon as ruler of over-sensitive Cancer does not do well in the rigid Capricorn, so these polarities will be even more accentuated.
Sun sextile Uranus is an aspect that requires overcoming old conventions and seeking new and unexplored alternative solutions that will allow greater freedom, discovery, adventure and excitement.
Sun trine Neptune Rx is an aspect that provides creative solutions and insights, especially in the realm of spirituality, medicine and mysticism.
Sun quincunx Saturn Rx requires a good work ethic despite possible frustrations.
The Moon will make an opposition to Mercury, a trine to Uranus and the North Node, as well as a conjunction to Pluto Rx. These are aspects that indicate that social energy should be used for support, compassion, building bridges between people and friendships, which will bring a fresh charge to life.
The Moon will also form a square to Chiron in Aries, an aspect that will emphasize feelings of inadequacy or sensitivity especially regarding home, mother or birthplace.
Moon square Eris may deepen the sense of discontent, boredom, cynicism and ungratefulness.
Moon sextile Juno in Pisces is an aspect that in turn emphasizes the need for domestic warmth, harmony and nurturing.
Moon opposition Ceres in Cancer undermines relationships with women in a way that we don’t feel well understood by them or we don’t understand their emotions enough.
Moon sextile Astraea in Pisces is an aspect that seeks justice, law and diplomacy through work or profession.
Mercury in Cancer sextile Uranus in Taurus is an aspect that emphasizes the need for independent and original thinking, because it is precisely at this time of life that we need the inner determination to explore all the possibilities in front of us and if we have to do the most unexpected. It is like opening a new portal in which we will have to leave the rest behind, as we have a strong determination to move forward and explore unknown territories, embracing these times of focus, concentration, desire for intuitive insights and trends in thinking.
Mercury square Chiron indicates that pain or suffering occurs as a feeling of lack of intelligence, i.e. inability to adequately convey one’s own thoughts and feelings. Once valuable points are discovered in a debate or discussion, they will be shared with others with a great deal of wisdom and compassion.
Venus in Gemini trine Saturn Rx in Aquarius is an aspect that will require loyal relationships, alliances, fidelity and security — this is definitely not a time for frivolity! We will now explore character traits and qualities in potential partners — private and professional — seeking to achieve deeper and richer experiences.
Venus quincunx Pluto Rx is an aspect that calls for recognition of authority that has not yet been fully explored and exploited, yet there is optimism for the future.
Venus sextile Eris will help in team efforts, steady work toward a goal and the need for patience, not haste.
However, Venus is square to Neptune Rx in Pisces, an aspect that emphasizes idealistic aspirations in love, then fantasies and dishonesty. A strong longing arises which can be constructively expressed through art, music or involvement in mysticism.
Mars in the slow Taurus will act at a moderate pace, not allowing excessive and radical steps, but walking firmly on its path of the known, explored and traditional.
Jupiter is still in Aries before going retrograde on July 28, from where it emphasizes faith in individual effort, initiative, and the desire to win.
However, Moon conjunction Pluto Rx is an aspect that speaks of transformation, profound changes in governing structures and organizations, mostly due to the dissatisfaction of the people, because the Moon signifies the people, that is, its power and the power of the people.
The Full Moon occurs at 21 Capricorn 21', and the Sabian Symbol for this degree is named — By Accepting Defeat Gracefully, A General Reveals Nobility Of Character. According to Dane Rudhyar, this symbol speaks to the fact that a person can grow through accepting defeat as much, if not more, through success. This is a symbol that speaks of organized structures, collective efforts and gaining strength to achieve spiritual advancement.
Kozminsky speaks of this symbol as a powerful force for the advancement of the race, especially after war, famine, disease or protests. Blain Bovee talks about this symbol as a will to win the war, and Lynda Hill talks about how this symbol is meant to teach that winning or losing is not necessarily a lesson in itself, but an acknowledgment that none of us are perfect or indestructible. That is why it is good to know when it is time to lay down the weapon and show nobility of character, knowing when to calm the anger and give in.
We can detect this kind of behaviour in tarot cards like the Hanged Man card, the twelfth card of the Major Arcana, which depicts a man hanging by one leg from a tree, who sees the world through a completely new perspective, allowing a lot of valuable information to pass beside him, in order to gain new insight and enlightenment. Every sacrifice that is made in that direction will open life to something even more positive than what we are “letting go”.
To find out which sector of your personal life will be affected, you will need to study your natal chart and find out what you need to let go of and what requires new and innovative insight into your life. In that way, a completely new and fateful cycle will open and luck will smile at you again.
As with everything in life, a balance is needed because there will always be temptations, curiosity and the desire to know — what if…? It is part of human nature — to know, to understand, to try and overcome stagnation. For all that, it is necessary to know the causes and consequences, choices and risks.
Sometimes people get caught up in the vortex — to be first, to have more, to be faster and the best — but uncontrolled desire is dangerous, irresponsible, and unhealthy. That’s why it takes a different perspective, a different tempo, like singing a deep melody with a slow beat. That’s how nature grows.