Full Moon In Libra
April 6, 2023 — Thursday,
Full Moon in Libra,
6:34 AM,
Central European Time
The next Full Moon is taking place in Libra, a cardinal sign with an air element. This is the seventh sign in the Zodiac ruled by Venus, the planet associated with beauty, the sense of aesthetics, values, money and property. Libra represents the inner balance of forces in nature and holds the secret of Divine redemption to the ancient initiations.
Libra occupies the beginning of Autumn and is marked by qualities of diplomatic initiative, artistic inclinations and sophistication, as well as a great sense of order, law and justice, with a desire to approve of all social aspirations. Entering the sign of Libra, the Sun is in the middle of the astronomical year. Its passage from the northern to the southern hemisphere marks the balance between the built house and those forces that prepare its demolition, marks the balance between day and night.
In the mental sense Libra governs harmony, observation, balancing, receptivity, balance, concord, order and harmony. This sign is characterized by the inclination towards everything that is beautiful and refined and the expressed desire to live in harmony and peace with oneself and others.
That’s why people born under this sign tend to understand other people to the extent of avoiding arguments and unpleasant situations in order to establish order and balance. Kind, conciliatory and always ready to compromise, these people are adorned with a lucid intelligence, an open spirit, sublime feelings, as well as an unusual love for beauty.
In the symbol of the air element, an extraordinary world of subtle and ethereal nature appears. Libra is associated with the symbolism of the number seven and is a sign of balance on a cosmic and psychological level in terms of legality and justice, social and internal. It symbolizes the balance between the solar world and the planetary principle, or the balance between the spiritual and the outer Self. This sign is a symbol of inner harmony and communication between the conscious and unconscious, between spirit and matter, so Libra symbolizes general equality and the spirit of justice, as well as social and personal harmony.
The Full Moon is the culmination of a cycle when the Moon is in direct opposition to the Sun, thus putting personal and family needs in a kind of conflict, as we feel that we have difficulty meeting our personal needs and harmonizing them with the needs of family and loved ones. Full Moons illuminate, bring clarity, and often coincide with revelations and culmination.
This FULL MOON will be in opposition with CHIRON in ARIES on 15°52´ , and in quincunx with URANUS in TAURUS. In short, it will make an opposition with JUPITER in ARIES and, practically speaking, it will shed light on several painful points that can be reflected as betrayal, sadness, difficult lessons or love misunderstandings, despair in emotional relationships, hurt, rejection or torture. These types of emotions can block common sense, and whether it’s rejection in intimate relationships or suffering in other relationships that have no end or deeper meaning, this is an ideal time to heal some old wounds, past situations or grief that is a sign that we will take the right steps towards resolving these traumas or pains.
It could also be a situation at home, an unresolved status or resentment that has been going on for some time. In that sense, this FULL MOON will be a catalyst for a change and changing some basic functions in the personal and social world: from individual action we will now tend to initiate and realize social models, needs and happiness. The individual and the city, the city and the individual. The state as a model according to which the individual and their legal rights should be reconciled without jeopardizing personal happiness. All those regulations that we can achieve together.
MERCURY in practical TAURUS is in sextile with SATURN in PISCES, which makes communication calm, tactical and practical, oriented towards creating a specific structure with which some responsibilities can be solved in a slow and methodical way, without rushing or forcing, but with concentrated power and a great deal of rationality.
MERCURY sextile MARS in CANCER indicates many activities initiated or related in the area of home and family, communication, trading or paying bills in a clear, decisive and convincing manner. Effective implementation of ideas in this sector.
MERCURY square PLUTO in AQUARIUS is a situation where the need for personal investigation of everything secret, hidden or mysterious, which may have an esoteric or occult note in it, will be awakened.
MARS in PISCES trine SATURN is a super aspect that encourages self-discipline, seriousness and perseverance to achieve lasting results and realistic goals, step by step, in a well-planned way.
SUN conjunction CHIRON reveals a kind of sensitivity, especially in pioneering ventures and projects, a physical or emotional wound that helps us discover and feel and understand other people’s deep wounds, especially in early youth or childhood. SUN conjunction JUPITER is an aspect that will give optimism and enthusiasm to overcome painful topics through teaching, stage performance or other attractive options.
VENUS in TAURUS sextile NEPTUNE in PISCES adds a dose of sensitivities and compassion in close relationships, despite the fact that VENUS will be conjunct the eccentric and eclectic URANUS, so all kinds of exciting, spontaneous and stimulating relationships are possible, but with an unstable or short-term character.
PLUTO will be in a T-square with the Nodes in TAURUS and SCORPIO, revealing related changes in our collective karma and of course a desired destination. This is an aspect that indicates that it is time to withdraw from the world in order to hear the messages that our own soul is sending us. It means time to recharge our batteries so that we have enough energy to jump back into life refreshed and rested. Seeking one’s own truth can mean facing one’s own dragons, i.e. ego, and then fears. Of course, with this act we will be able to regain our self-confidence, but it technically requires digging for treasure in the dark.
This Full Moon is occurring at 16° Libra 07′ and the Sabian symbol for this degree is called — A Retired Sea Captain Watching Ships Entering And Leaving The Harbour. Besides the original symbolism which is rich in itself and indicates the observational power of the sign of Libra, this symbol is deeply connected with Metaphysics and Religion. There are many things that cannot be seen at first glance, especially in personal interactions, so careful observation is therefore required to discover the motivations of those who come or go. This is a symbol that indicates a military career among other things, and gives a talent for both practicality and inventiveness; gift in mechanical arts, domestic help, love of music and scientific interests.
However, this symbol can attract unusual events, accidents and contradictions, often for one’s personal amusement. Therefore there must be someone who will manage the whole situation well, like a Captain of the Harbour. Hence you will find that today there is a great need for flexibility, rest, peace, quiet, as well as understanding in committed relationships, with a dose of humour added here or there, depending on the situation. Even retired captains have a great desire to return to sea again. If not, they retire and write memoirs. They refer to past experiences. They look at the past and think about the future.
``Therefore, this symbol briefly speaks of the capacity to acquire an objective and calm understanding of human experiences in which a person has once been actively involved… In this second phase, we see a picture of a true overcoming of storms, in polar opposition to the previous one, which revealed the destructive effect of psychic upheavals that sever the occult connection — the antahkarana — between incarnated consciousness and the transcendental field of the soul, PEACEFUL MIND over struggles and victories.`` ( Dane Rudhyar )
How this Full Moon will be reflected in individual lives is a story unto itself and a personal search for answers. The main question should be — What is no longer in line with who you are called to be? What do you need to change in the tapestry of your own life? Where do you belong in the social waters? What is your original nature?
If you need more information on a personal level about this Full Moon or are interested in doing another type of astrological consultation, you can contact me at the following email: tancevai@yahoo.com. Of course, check beforehand if I’m available.
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Stay in good health and mood!
@Irena Tancheva