Full Moon In Virgo
March 7, 2023 — Tuesday,
Full Moon in Virgo,
1:40 PM,
Central European Time
The next Full Moon is taking place in Virgo, an air sign with a mutable nature. This is the sixth sign in the zodiac ruled by Mercury, co-ruler of Gemini, the planet that rules the nervous system, tongue, mouth and hands. This planet is also associated with communication, thinking, the concrete objective mind, education and literacy, as well as trade, traffic and the transmission of information.
Virgo occupies the period of late summer and is marked by qualities of change, virginity and innocence. In the physical body it governs the stomach, intestines and assimilation, and in the psychic life egoistic feelings, indecision, sensitivity and adaptability. Mentally, this sign governs the ability to analyse, criticize, logic, and talkativeness.
With Virgo, the annual cycle of the earth element is at its peak. Symbol of harvest, work, manual dexterity and excessive conscience. Virgo was the sign of Isis in Egypt. In the Zodiac, Virgo belongs to the sixth place, so it also has a part in the symbolism of the number 6 of Solomon’s seal and combines the properties of fire and water, and from there it symbolizes emerging consciousness and confusion and the birth of the spirit.
Like all mutable signs this sign is characterized by qualities of adaptability, mobility, intelligence, insight, wisdom, service and liberation.
The Full Moon is the culmination of a cycle when the Moon is in direct opposition to the Sun, thus putting personal and family needs in a kind of conflict, as we feel that we have difficulty meeting our personal needs and harmonizing them with the needs of family and loved ones. Full Moons are illuminating, they bring clarity and often coincide with completion or culmination.
However, this Full Moon will be very significant, especially since Saturn, the Lord of Time and Karma, will enter the sign of imaginative Pisces an hour after the Full Moon ( 2:35 PM ) and will remain there from March 7, 2023 to May 24, 2025, and then again. — thanks to retrograde motion — from August 31, 2025 to February 13, 2026, Saturn will move through Pisces, the mutable water sign symbolized by the fish. With its transit in this sign that knows no boundaries, Saturn will insist on a kind of structure, which is in principle ok, set new boundaries in personal and social developments and call for clarification of the personal relationship with spirituality and faith.
But that’s not all, on the contrary, this is a month of major changes and if you follow and know astrology at least a little, you have already learned that March 2023 will be something like the Wheel of Fortune in the Tarot, because another planet with a long-term transit, namely Pluto will change sign and move into progressive Aquarius. Ugh!!! Let’s breathe a little! What does all this mean in the bigger scheme of things?
Let’s first go back to the day of the Full Moon and look at the aspects that will be active that day. This FULL MOON will be trine URANUS, opposition NEPTUNE, square MARS; then in quincunx with VENUS and JUPITER in ARIES; VENUS conjunct JUPITER and sextile MERCURY. The SUN will sextile URANUS. MERCURY square NEPTUNE.
FULL MOON trine URANUS is an aspect that will bring unexpected changes in the family, unrest, excitement and fun outside the daily routine. Accepting your own uniqueness is very important now.
FULL MOON opposition NEPTUNE will emphasize the imagination to the point where we get lost in our own beliefs. The tendency to idealize is so emphasized that it is possible to make mistakes in first impressions about some specific situations or persons.
FULL MOON square MARS is an aspect that will emphasize passions, assertiveness and ambitions. A short fuse can lead to irritation, emotional outbursts and rage. Propensity for risk-taking, accidents, violence and hurt feelings, especially if reactions are not timed appropriately.
FULL MOON quincunx VENUS indicates an imbalance between the need for emotional support and the need for love. This introduces turmoil in personal relationships as one will want to express one’s emotions too much, will be prone to overeating or spending, and may also be caught in an extramarital affair. FULL MOON quincunx JUPITER is unrepressed enthusiasm, charm, a tendency to expansion which will emphasize the first aspect even more. Many of us will choose the path that no one has chosen before, discovering strange and beautiful experiences. Appearance of new and unusual teachers, lecturers and preachers.
VENUS sextile MERCURY is a chance to create greater harmony, beauty and balance in home life, work and life in general. All this will come as a result of effective communication and understanding of other people’s needs for love, finances and companionship, so we will strive for win-win solutions.
SUN sextile URANUS brings pleasant and beautiful encounters, related to mutual interests and higher goals. This is a chance to try something new and exciting, something that will confirm the feeling of greater freedom and wide horizons, and will open doors to new discoveries in science, electronics, digital technology or socializing on-line, groups of similar character and mindset, etc.
MERCURY square NEPTUNE is an aspect that can result in a lot of daydreaming, not having a clear perspective on events, information and not having the capacity to separate thoughts from emotions, especially the content or dialogue that takes place within ourselves or others.
In short we could say that these aspects signify recovery, transition, journey, refuge. Under the influence of the changing currents of the transiting planets you could be planning a trip, if not immediately then in the immediate future or a change in current priorities. Change is rarely pleasant and easy, but this is a moment when you have to leave all the emotional baggage, immobility and entrenchment in one and the same place, familiar paths, as well as holding on to the past, regardless of which sector of your personal life the emphasis falls on. Something has to change to achieve happiness and clarity, and it’s up to us to explore what’s holding us back and decide if we’re happy with the way things are.
By shifting our attention from fear to love in each moment, each of us becomes a part of the evolution of consciousness so that we can participate in a better future for ourselves and all other beings. We are all multi-sensory human beings who carry a message of universal love.
This FULL MOON is happening at 16°Virgo 40', and the Sabian symbol for this degree is called — A Volcanic Eruption. Dane Rudhyar says that we are dealing here with a dramatic release of energies that have been controlled by the outer shell of ego-controlled consciousness. It may be a spectacular catharsis, but it often follows paths of destruction. However, unless some form of purification by fire is experienced, the internal pressure of the karmic past or of more recent frustrations would shake the very foundations of the personality perhaps even more destructively. That is why we are talking about an EXPLOSION. Everything must be released from the psyche that wants to reach the transfigured state.
Catharsis and cathartic release of thoughts and ideas.
Floods of emotions. Anger that needs expression. Aftershocks. Volcanoes. Earthquakes. Overreactions. Shocking news. Creating ruins. Accumulated wealth or knowledge that can be lost in an instant. Predictions. Contacts with Divine truths. Strange symbolisms and interest in philosophies.
On the other hand, Martin Goldberg calls this symbol quite differently — the Captain of the ship oversees the loading of the cargo and the repair of a small leak.
Overseeing the work of one’s personal sphere of responsibility — which may include business or family; running a narrow ship; seeing that everything is running smoothly; competent execution of work; taking care of small problems in personnel or material that can easily become big problems (a small leak can sink a ship); chains of command based on who is really trusted; running things amicably by talking to everyone and making sure they are “on board”, as opposed to dictatorial methods that lead to growing resentment and even rebellion (subversives against the establishment); patching the system versus reconsidering priorities and reorganizing one’s life (it is difficult to get rid of useless things or information); knowing what it’s all about versus getting lost in peripheral tasks.
Why am I emphasizing this? This is due to the fact that the square between MARS in GEMINI, the sign of sociability, the transmission of information and agility, and NEPTUNE in PISCES, the sign of imagination, fantasy and surreality is a situation where we will come across a lot of information on a daily basis, but the origin of which should be researched because there will be a tendency to retell, misinform, process information to the point where it becomes everyone’s, so in a world of too much information we are crying out for real knowledge! Selection is required.
Behind all this happening is the long-lasting trine between SEDNA and PLUTO. Sedna, the Inuit goddess of the sea and emotional underworld, ends her time in Taurus and enters Gemini in June 2023, travelling with the current trine to Pluto in Capricorn in 2023 and 2024. Sedna and Pluto in the earth signs reveal evolutionary progress in our experiences in the physical world and dimension, and change will occur when they move into the air signs that rule our thoughts, communications, ideas and information.
Pluto is known as the ruler of the underworld and transformation. It therefore brings us into contact with the unconscious areas of the psyche that we need to integrate. Since it stays in one zodiac sign for a long time, it acts on a collective level, that is, it has more generational influence.
Pluto will be in Aquarius from March 23, 2023 to June 11, 2023, and thanks to retrograde motion later from January 20, 2024, to September 1, 2024, again from November 19, 2024, when it will remain in this sign until the 19 January 2044.
This transit is the next major shift that has been talked about far and wide in astrological circles, bringing social upheaval, reform, massive technological advances and cyber attacks. The psychological and conscious energy of Pluto in inventive Aquarius will drive spiritual transformation on a global scale, deepening people’s awareness of what is really happening in the world around them. This is the moment when social reality meets technology.
Digital security may become a greater concern as collective naivety around rapid technological progressions may leave some people more susceptible to privacy breaches and the sale of data and personal information. For Pluto here, it is important to advance in technology and becomes impersonal, so it can coldly ignore the human factor in the name of its own personal development, for the good or the bad of all.
On a daily, more human level, you will find that you are constantly busy and addicted with electronic devices, computers and smart phones, so in that sense you will be available to anyone at any time, whether you like it or not. From one electronic gadget, instead of on the couch, you will find that you are already working with the other electronic gadget — the smaller one or the bigger one. You will start to remember the times when you used to memorize all your phone numbers and now you can’t even remember your number or passwords for various apps or emails. Then electronic payment, carbon footprint tracking and general reliance on artificial intelligence will come to the fore. Thrown in the Matrix…Mr. Anderson!
But until the ingression of PLUTO in AQUARIUS takes place, we will have a bunch of changes in the planetary picture and let’s just mention the Spring Equinox, NEW MOON in ARIES, as well as the transit of MARS in CANCER — finally!!! There is more, but let’s leave that for later.
Until then, walk calmly, manifest spontaneously and master your destiny. Your efforts will be recognized, someone will notice you, and you will get your rewards soon.
If you need more information on a personal level about this Full Moon or are interested in doing another type of astrological consultation, you can contact me at the following email: tancevai@yahoo.com. Of course, check beforehand for availability.
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Stay in good health and mood!
@Irena Tancheva