Irena Tančeva
7 min readFeb 28, 2021

Irena Tancheva

Mar 2, 2021 9:38 PM Moon enters Scorpio
Mar 4, 2021 11:42 PM Moon enters Sagittarius
Mar 7, 2021 3:20 AM Moon enters Capricorn

Mar 4, 4:29 AM Mars enters Gemini Mar 0 Gem 00'
Mar 6, 2:30 AM Last Quarter Moon 15 Sag 42'
Mar 7, 10:04 PM Pallas enters Pisces Pal 0 Pis 00'

Time zone — Central European Time

Trends of the week: the Sun is sailing into the enchanting and spiritual domain of Pisces; Mars is moving into the curious Gemini on 4th, which will speed up dynamics and communication; asteroid Pallas Athena enters into the gentle Pisces, which is a sign that with kindly negotiation the world can be become a better place. This is a great period for healing, helping and devoting to empathic efforts for the collective well-being.

March 1, 2021 — Monday

MARCH, the last winter month begins with a series of beautiful aspects of the MOON to SATURN, MERCURY and JUPITER in AQUARIUS and even besides the short-term quincunx of the MOON both to VENUS in PISCES and MARS in TAURUS, this promises that whatever the struggle is, the situations will easily resolve if you ask for help and make necessary life changes.

The MOON in LIBRA is on a diplomatic mission and has great intellectual charm, so we would like to get involved in socializing, cooperation and establishing new friendships and partnerships. This is a cardinal MOON and the need for emotional balance is very strong.

The SUN in PISCES connects outer and inner experiences, so today would be good to rectify imbalances, to persevere in any quest or conflict, which will lead to success. Now is the time to turn a failure into a learning experience and start again. Be friendly and cooperate for greater results.

March 2, 2021 — Tuesday
SUN in PISCES, MOON transit SCORPIO ( March 2–4, 2021 )
at 9:38 PM, CET

The day begins with a quincunx MOON/NEPTUNE, which is a sign that the desire to find quiet life is strong — go deeper into yourself and seek to understand your core beliefs. Meditate, heal yourself and rest. Do not get into dubious schemes, because you may be mislead by others but aspire to understand your inner world.

Short-term square of the MOON to PLUTO in CAPRICORN speaks about reasonable conservatism, so anchor yourself if intense desires and feelings show up and stay conscious, responsible and loyal.

Late in the evening the MOON is moving into passionate SCORPIO, which is a time to honour your sacred sexuality. With this transit of the MOON, we are obsessed with somewhat more complex emotions, strangely deep, strong intuition, passionate arousals, silence, mystery and retreat — now we will not allow the world to get so close to us and get to know us.

Get in touch with your emotions and get to know yourself and your motives better. This is a time for regeneration, for finding powerful alliances and creativity.

March 3, 2021 — Wednesday

Faith is needed — the MOON in SCORPIO squares SATURN in AQUARIUS and makes an opposition to URANUS in TAURUS — and you have it all in your intuitive heart. You may be craving for more freedom, excitement and change, which will not come easily.

Yet, these intense aspects show that your eternal spirit longs to reconnect to your divine origins. So expand your awareness and include love for all and everyone. Find some quit time for contemplation, introspection and meditation, which will help you restructure your physical and subtle bodies.

In the evening the MOON will make a square to MERCURY and JUPITER in AQUARIUS and that will help you in understanding your psychic potential. You crave to understand the multidimensional thread of your soul and the language of the unconscious mind will reveal itself through some metaphor — VENUS sextile URANUS in TAURUS — or synchronicity, which will help you heal your light-body. Trust your intuition and the tender whispers of your soul.

March 4, 2021 — Thursday
SUN in PISCES, MOON transit SAGITTARIUS ( March 4–7, 2021 )
at 11:42 PM, CET
MARS transit GEMINI ( March 4 — April 24, 2021 )

There`s some special magic in the air, new energy, positivity, flexibility and knowledge, due to the transit of the dynamic MARS into GEMINI. We are shifting in a new gear, with a specific purpose in mind and that is to understand how to act, communicate and coexist with others.

The MOON in SCORPIO in trine to SUN and NEPTUNE in PISCES says that if there was any loss or damage to your property or even family, now will be an ideal time to help the environment restore its harmony and see the circumstances through new perspective.

You will find your inspiration again and will mend your broken heart, especially if you are willing to find new solutions and reminding others what is sacred — every living being deserves to be treated with respect! Surrender and you will find your peace.

Late in the evening the MOON is moving into the enthusiastic SAGITTARIUS and that is a great help in establishing friendly connections, to seek new horizons and to expand awareness.

March 5, 2021 — Friday

Everything that is shady and unreasonable will fall into water. We feel that great changes are ahead of us, with the transit of the MOON in SAGITTARIUS, which will remind us that the world is a friendly place once we adapt to the collective needs and correct our attitude and beliefs.

This is ideal time to seek justice, to resolve conflicts, to make sacrifices and to avoid people with questionable motives — MOON opposition MARS in GEMINI. So dear friends, follow your inner compass and pay attention to your boundaries — MERCURY conjunction JUPITER in AQUARIUS. Watch the sacred geometry of chance — MOON squares VENUS in PISCES — some hidden law of cause and effect and celebrate your achievements. Access your memories and set yourself free.

Reach out and touch the sky — it is witness to your past and present moments, so find your own direction and face challenges with equanimity.

March 6, 2021 — Saturday
Last Quarter Moon, at 2:30 AM, CET

Today you have a choice to fall or not to fall — the MOON squares SUN and NEPTUNE in PISCES and makes a sextile to JUPITER and MERCURY in AQUARIUS. Yes, you have a choice with this moonlight. So put your focus on legalities, commitments, rewards and peace, all in order to protect yourself.

The energy may be dense or heavy but it is good for problem solving and it encourages altruism and rational thought. Easily you will adapt to the energy of new places and situations. You may be having a sense of worlds becoming one, because now you have gift to analyse things rapidly.

So today it would be the best to use the We — Mentality, instead of Me and to seek collaboration, being graceful, honest and stunning! Skip your fears — they are illusion — and lighten your chest. Feel your heartbeat and a breath of fresh air! Soon you`ll see a way out through obstacles.

March 7, 2021 — Sunday
SUN in PISCES, MOON transit CAPRICORN ( March 7–9, 2021 )
at 3: 20 AM, CET

While you were sleeping, the MOON entered into the serious CAPRICORN. This MOON will re-establish itself in reality and we will organize ourselves for success and climbing the social ladder. Formality will be on the rise, as will the emotional reserve and the need for exactness and pragmatism.

There may be a promotion, a sense of power and wealth, as well as material gain but also greed, so be careful if you need to make a significant choice — MOON quincunx MARS in GEMINI. Trust that you will not be lost, because you will be able to find the light and hope again, choosing the best option and route of action.

The SUN in PISCES deepens your intuition, your healing powers, imagination and today you may be popular again! Choose sincerely what is truly best for your soul and that of others — PALLAS enters PISCES. Now is the time to be objective and still following your own guidance. Remember the power of love and hope and stay uninhibited and spontaneous — MOON trine URANUS in TAURUS. Trust yourself to find the light again. Love the freedom and free the love you feel.


Irena Tančeva
Irena Tančeva

Written by Irena Tančeva

Astrologer & Tarot lover. Writing daily and weekly astrology forecasts. New Moon and Full Moon reports. Stargazing, stargazing, stargazing.....

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