January 31, 2023 — Tuesday
January 31, 2023 — Tuesday,
They say that January is the hardest month of the year, but is it really so? The end of this month this year is marked by beautiful aspects: the SUN makes a trine with the MOON/MARS conjunction and now we will really reap the rewards of all the efforts previously invested.
This mostly applies to the air signs — GEMINI, LIBRA and AQUARIUS — who will have extra strength to handle responsibilities. The dream is no longer a distant idea, but a concrete reality that requires initiative, a lot of negotiation, flexibility and compromises.
VENUS semi-sextile JUPITER is an aspect that says inspiration comes from within, but satisfaction consists in not taking on more responsibilities at the expense of one’s own happiness. These two planets encourage each other very well, and the aspect itself is an indication that we need to find time for a spiritual retreat, a moment to pause and relax and thus find the way to health of body and soul.
Both love and anger need to be expressed in the right way because both emotional reactions reveal our limits, capacities and needs. Too much smearing leads to drooling, and suppressed rage to violence — overt or subtle. That’s why in order to reach a real balance in every sector of life, it is very important to find the right measure: from sugar in making cakes, to bitter herbs in the preparation of a tonic.
MOON quincunx MERCURY in the evening is a short-term aspect that says — read between the lines! Listen well and try to develop a method to better express your feelings. If not today, then tomorrow for sure. Self-expression becomes a path of self-exploration. Thus ends the first month of this promising year — a year of new discoveries.
@Irena Tancheva