July 8, 2022 — Friday
Irena Tancheva
July 8, 2022 — Friday
Sun in Cancer, Moon transit Scorpio
7:15 AM, CET ( July 8–10 )
And as we head towards the Full Moon in Capricorn on July 13th, today we will pay a short visit to the emotionally complex SCORPIO, which can cause a whole spectrum of dark emotions, from hatred, possessiveness, jealousy, to greed and so on.
This is a sensitive and mysterious MOON, it has a great emotional depth, if it is under stress it can cause strong outbursts of rage and drama, but in a positive sense exactly such behaviour is healing and transformative, because by facing our shadows we come to a clearer perspective of where lies the problem of things. This is a great time to heal traumas, deeply buried feelings and crises, so listen carefully to what your intuition has to say and listen to your emotions.
MOON opposition MARS, trine MERCURY — the first aspect speaks of a strong drive that can end in disastrous proportions, arguments and conflicts that cannot be conveyed adequately, and the second aspect helps in the easier transfer and expression of emotions and thoughts.
SUN square CHIRON is an aspect that reveals many vulnerable and painful points, especially if the relationship with the father is not healed, so many, especially the cardinal signs, will have difficulty getting along with others whose visions and ideas are suppressed or frustrated as well their own — ARIES, CANCER, LIBRA and CAPRICORN. It will be best if you don’t rush to come to some idealized outcome of things.
In the evening, MERCURY will make a square to JUPITER, an aspect that increases the thirst for knowledge, for new information and ideas, so that there is a slight scattering and defocus, and on a positive note it brings acquaintances with many different people and styles.
Today, however, the water signs — CANCER, SCORPIO and PISCES — will have the greatest advantage, whose intuition will be strongly emphasized and despite several dilemmas, you will all manage to love and be loved, to enjoy fantasy without becoming prisoners of your intellect, so that your dreams and longings will bring transformation, healing and love into your life.
For some, some of the battles will become the eternal past, they will receive honourable conclusions and they will finally be able to rest. Enjoy the weekend ahead!