June 13, 2022 — Monday
Irena Tancheva
June 13, 2022 — Monday
Sun in Gemini,
Moon transit Sagittarius, 12:31 AM, CET
( June 13–15 )
Mercury enters Gemini 5:27 PM, CET
( June 13 — July 5 )
The MOON in SAGITTARIUS is open and generous — it ask us to expand our vision of personal power, to unlock our own capacity to grow and reach to the Divine. So this is a good day to celebrate the potential for mutual growth and shared freedom.
It affects us all but will be mostly felt by the mutable signs — GEMINI, VIRGO, SAGITTARIUS and PISCES — so remember that compassion is the embodiment of emotional maturity and a key which unlocks doors of better understanding our humanness.
MERCURY, the planet of intellect, higher understanding and thought patterns will be moving in its own ruling sign, GEMINI and this transit will help in speeding up communication, understanding between two or more parties, making the language more colourful and helping us to contemplate new projects, transfer messages and deal with impossible tasks in an easy and playful way.
We are entering in the period of Supermoons, that is a Full Moon when the Moon is the closest approach to the Earth in its orbit — a time when the veil is thin, when everything is experienced more profound and we can read messages with a hidden content, be it on a conscious level or in a dream state.
This is a time when we may need to celebrate the wonder and mystery of being alive, to enjoy each other`s company, understanding that we can live and work in harmony however impossible this may sometimes seem.
So dear astro family and friends, join the celebration in a spontaneous, unexpected joy and pleasure — allow healing of body and spirit to do their work.
Where in your natal charts is tomorrow Sagittarius Supermoon taking place?