June 21, 2022 — Tuesday
Irena Tancheva
June 21, 2022 — Tuesday
Sun in Gemini, moving into Cancer, 11:14 AM, CET
( June 21 — July 22 )
Last Quarter Moon 29 PIsces 46', 5:11 AM, CET
Moon transit ARIES, 5:37 AM, CET
( June 21–23 )
So the Weather Report says that this week is going to be really hot — well it is the beginning of the Summer! Today, in the Northern Hemisphere, the SUN marks Summer Solstice — the beginning of Summer and the longest day of the year — and that is the moment when the SUN enters into the sign of the family oriented CANCER. This sign is adorned with sensitivity, emotional strength, nourishment and care for loved ones, as well as a sense of belonging, romance and love for the homeland.
The word “Solstice” is derived from two Latin words: “Sol,” meaning the Sun, and “sistere,” which means to stand still, or in other words Sun standing still. If you live in the Northern Hemisphere, today you will enter the first day of Summer and the longest day and if you live in Southern Hemisphere, this will be the first day of Winter and the shortest day of the year.
SUN in CANCER emphasises feminine energy and mysteries, so now women will shine in a dynamic play and beauty, showing their qualities of woman, wife and mother. The same quality will appear in men, and who will nurture and lead by intuitive principles.
Yet, today you may feel some kind of insecurity, worries, negative thoughts — the MOON is in its Last Quarter Phase before moving into Aries — as well as fear of loss, self-pity or fear of inadequacy. In Aries, the MOON will conjunct JUPITER, which may manifest as a need to accomplish something big, even though now is not the time for that, so do not give in to those urges to make important changes in your environment. This is a time to become still, to let dark clouds of worry pass out your mind, because it may fog up your consciousness. By relaxing for some time, you will find that everything looks much brighter and clearer.
MERCURY is in the talkative GEMINI, VENUS in the romantic TAURUS and MARS in the last decan of pioneering ARIES. VENUS is two degrees square SATURN Rx but also VENUS in a trine to PLUTO Rx in CAPRICORN. So these are aspects that will help us see and acknowledge all the hard work we put in to achieving our goals.
Even though the SUN is square NEPTUNE in PISCES, MOON and JUPITER in ARIES, the aspects mentioned above will help us find the power to penetrate, overcome and achieve, especially when facing practical necessities of life. By persevering, being patient and attending the daily needs, we will achieve stability, rootedness and connection, especially in the home area.
VENUS trine PLUTO Rx is a great aspect for deepening love relationships, releasing feeling of inadequacy and realizing the integrity of our soul. Connect with your inner knowing and the reality of your divinity. For some a change of location will bring more light and a fresh start.
The cardinal signs will be into focus — ARIES, CANCER, LIBRA and CAPRICORN — re-establish your connection to your Higher Self and follow the intuitive part of your being. The same goes for cardinal Moons and Ascendant.
For the rest of the signs it is crucial to stay out of bondage and enslavement to the physical world. Do not cling to the material chains, widen your horizons and rise above earthly conflicts. Avoid addictive and impulsive behaviour and temptations. Adjust, have clarity of mind and strive for justice. Remind yourself that better days are ahead. New opportunities await and a better way will be presented with the upcoming New Moon on June 29.
Welcome to the Summer 2022!!!