June 23, 2022 — Thursday
Irena Tancheva
June 23, 2022 — Thursday
Sun in Cancer, Moon in Aries
moving into Taurus, 1:57 PM, CET
( June 23–26 )
With the transit of VENUS in GEMINI the atmosphere is getting livelier — you will notice that people are getting more curious, flirtatious, playful and are enjoying intellectual and ideas exchange.
This transit will activate the air signs — GEMINI, LIBRA and AQUARIUS — yes, you may get a little scattered but you understand that there`s more to life than material possessions or security provided by a secure job or steady relationship. You are now more willing to assume risks.
The MOON in ARIES has passed ERIS which is in sextile to SATURN Rx and this is a combination that increases the drive, especially the one for getting things done in an organised way, achieving more stable structure and in being more determined. This aspect brings renewal and regeneration, as well as fresh start and improved outlook.
So we can say the in the first part of the day the fire signs will be more active — ARIES, LEO and SAGITTARIUS — which will open their minds to a new way of thinking, without feeling a doubt or denial. You may have to consider some new personal goals.
In the afternoon the MOON will move into the stable and predictable TAURUS, where it gives strength for prolonged and steady effort but also, you may find out that you would rather not compete but would like to get complete rest in comfort and coziness.
This MOON will activate the earth signs — TAURUS, VIRGO and CAPRICORN — you will find out that your persistence has paid off, a goal will be accomplished and a wish granted.
And of course, the SUN will activate the water signs — CANCER, SCORPIO and PISCES — you are up for a risky adventure, maybe meeting some mystics or even tricksters. You can`t win a battle with those who have no honour or have closed hearts. Consider your actions.
So dear astro friends and family, where do you find yourself today? Are you making ethical and responsible choices? Are you entangled in some venture? Do you need to know some outcomes? Have you learned your lessons? Today is like a rainbow bridge between two different worlds. Where do you belong?