June 25, 2022 — Saturday
Irena Tancheva
June 25, 2022 — Saturday
Sun in Cancer, Moon in Taurus
moving into Gemini
( June 26–28 ), 1:13 AM, CET
Don`t you just love that home environment? That serene ambience in the weekends? You can come to your senses after a period of prolonged effort, diligence and seek genuine intimacy.
This is like a garden of delights, where you can find your peace, hear your own voice or listen to the birds chirping out, observing bees, bumble bees and butterflies flying around. It is a nice time to taste some juicy fruit, enjoy in surprises, amusements and revelations of the gift we call life.
URANUS sextile CERES is an aspect that brings beauty and optimism in intimate and home relationships, new magnetism, contentment and happiness.
This is a great day to use your productive power and take a responsibility more to satisfy the family, to increase creativity and secure your territory.
The summer is here, the Sun is high, the mood is vibrant and so are we. Associate and defend your loved ones. Explore your sensuality.
Tomorrow will be waking with the MOON in GEMINI, playful, curious and joyful.