June 4, 2022 — Saturday
Irena Tancheva
June 4 2022, Saturday
Sun in Gemini, Moon in Leo
Saturn stations Retrograde, 11:47 PM, CET
( June 4 — October 23 )
MERCURY stationed Direct yesterday on 26 Taurus 05'D, where the fixed star ALGOL is located as a part of the constellation Perseus. ALGOL is also known as the Demon Star or Medusa`s Head and since times immemorial it has been considered as the most evil star out there. Related to loosing one`s head — figuratively speaking or literally — disastrous events, and anything horrific. So Mercury conjunct Algol is a bearer of sad news, anxiety or unpleasant events.
Every human life has times of turmoil and unrest, when it seems that storm clouds are gathering and conditions become challenging. So, now it is time to consciously witness what is occurring — what is the turbulence and how to act in support in decisions that need to be made. If you need to know where this conjunction is taking place in your personal lives, look at your natal chart for detailed information.
The MOON in LEO advises to seek out the places that summon you to gather confidence and wholeness. Healing energy and relaxation. Place you call it a home or similar so you can heal your hearts.
SATURN, the Lord of Karma stations Retrograde for about five months in AQUARIUS on 25 Aqu 15'Rx, so this is a period of time when we will be called to reassess our working habits, ambitions and inner strength. Sometimes we need to cross barriers, to take risks, to go beyond the limited compass of normal behaviour in order to grow, learn and stretch boundaries, even though it seems unattractive, painful or boring. Tread slowly and carefully, proceed with caution.
( Mercury conjunct Algol is square Saturn in 1' Orb — you may feel down, sceptic, distrustful or conservative about any new idea. Still, this is a great aspect for solving difficult mental problems, because of the good concentration and tenacity. )
The fixed signs will feel this retrograde motion the most — TAURUS, LEO, SCORPIO and AQUARIUS — explore the depth of the soul, love, beauty and grace that is entering your life. Transform from one form to another. Connect deeply with your own soul.
So dear friends and astro family, stay totally honest about what is holding you back — turn your back to bad and unhealthy habits, may it be people or working relations, conditions and have a proper attitude, not rigidity of old habits and way of doing things. Be aware of the changes going around you. Prove that you are not a robot. Put on your new glasses. Develop your spiritual forces.