June 6, 2022 — Monday
Irena Tancheva
June 6, 2022 — Monday
Sun in Gemini,
Moon transit Virgo
( June 6–8 ), 8:21 AM, CET
The transit of the MOON brings new potentials in the field of medicine, daily habits, diets, as well as working methods, so if you have anything to add to these areas, now would be an ideal time for that.
Tend gently to the needs of the family, find time for yourselves and simply be, especially if you belong to the mutable signs — GEMINI, VIRGO, SAGITTARIUS and PISCES. Resist the urge to get up and do something … or feel guilty because you are not. Pause if you need and allow your mind, body and spirit to be at peace.
MARS square CERES is an aspect that says that we are witnesses of the world events that are disheartening — war, conflict and aggression. Many feel powerless and stuck, defenceless in the face of the outrage. Still, if you do what is your duty in your corner of the world, you will recognise that you are assisting the evolution of consciousness toward a world in which peace is truth, not solely a dream.
This is mostly related to the cardinal signs — ARIES, CANCER, LIBRA and CAPRICORN — do not hoard treasures in your cave but spend it with your closest ones. Use your powers and capacities to help others in any possible way.
Today offers power, potential and riches. Step lightly, respect the beauty and harmony of the natural world and temper your actions with wisdom — URANUS conjunct PALLAS.
We are approaching the FIRST QUARTER MOON, tomorrow at 4:48 PM, on 16 Vir 51', so concern yourself with family and home and develop your skills of meditation and diplomacy. Cook something nice and nutritious and find time for your pets.