June 8, 2022 — Wednesday
Irena Tancheva
June 8, 2022 — Wednesday
Sun in Gemini, Moon in Virgo,
moving into Libra, 5:22 PM, CET
( June 8–10 )
The MOON in VIRGO is a symbol of decency, order, ecology, dedicated work, as well as hygiene and cleanliness — it asks us if our plans are in good order, do we follow these areas properly or we neglect them? How do you feel in your body? Is everything in balance? Mind, body and spirit? So go for a swim if you can, walk in the park, or head for the gym. Feeling exhausted? Step back to gain fresh perspective.
Black Moon Lilith in Cancer is making a trine to Juno in Pisces and at the same time a square to Chiron in Aries and this is a strange mixture that ask us to create a life of freedom from guilt, shame and blame. So now it is good to meditate on people and events in our lives, searching for an understanding how to bring harmony and right action. There is much sensitivity in this process, hidden beauty and power and in the end, it may bring us joy, delight and healing, feeling refreshed and renewed — healing the whole body and the aura.
When the MOON enters LIBRA in the afternoon, it will bring us gentleness and grace, inviting us to be poised and sophisticated. Adapt to the needs and expectations of those around you and try to be more assertive. An opposition to JUPITER in ARIES may indicate that we have reached a time when interest in the esoteric field needs balancing with a period of outer activity.
The cardinal signs will come into focus — ARIES, CANCER, LIBRA and CAPRICORN — so use your knowledge, resources and will to create positive change in the world. Gather facts, solve problems and defuse possible negative situations. Make balanced moves dear ones.