March 6, 2023 — Monday
March 6, 2023 — Monday,
(March 6–8), 04:38 AM,
Central European Time
The MOON in neat and meticulous VIRGO is in a 7/24 harmonics aspect to URANUS (6:00 AM), which is a hybrid between square and a trine that could encourage impatience, boredom or rebelliousness due to the feeling that the daily routine is too repetitive or restrictive. You’ll want to break up the monotony with some childish antics or a more free-spirited approach. You are likely to dress unusually, perhaps even eccentrically, and want to be involved in an environment where people are encouraged to be creative, innovative and comfortable with their originality, rather than stifled by too many rules or regulations.
If you find yourself in a situation that requires sound reasoning and logic — MOON opposition MERCURY — cut straight to the truth. Balance your positive traits with compassion and diplomacy.
URANUS septile NEPTUNE is an aspect that gives unusual imagination, so the taste for art, music and spirituality will be strong and there will likely be a powerful attraction to some spiritual traditions or ceremonial practices that are quite different from those followed by other people or the family.
The SUN in compassionate PISCES sextile URANUS in patient TAURUS is an aspect that will encourage healing through good nutrition, giving us the opportunity to consume foods and drinks that are as natural as possible and the nature we are blessed to live in.
The MOON is waxing towards its Full Phase, and so does life with it. Whether today you will be involved with creative projects or your children, intimate relationships or work, the most important thing is to do it with fresh breath and life force, otherwise known as prana. Breathe in and out, recognizing how the events of life each day trigger new beginnings each new day … with each new breath … with each new viewpoint.
@Irena Tancheva