May 15–21, 2023 — Weekly trends
Weekly analysis, May 15–21, 2023,
May 15, 2023 — Monday,
Central European Time
“Don’t be afraid to take a big step if one is indicated. You can’t cross a chasm in two small jumps.”
― David Lloyd George
May 15–5:17 AM — Mercury Direct — 5 Taurus 51'D
May 16–7:20 PM — Jupiter enters Taurus
May 18–3:10 AM — Jupiter square Pluto Rx
May 19–5:53 PM — New Moon in Taurus — 28° Taurus 26'
May 20–5:31 PM — Mars enters Leo
May 21–9:09 AM — Sun enters Gemini
May 15–9:55 AM — Moon enters Aries
May 17–2:27 PM — Moon enters Taurus
May 19–8:47 PM — Moon enters Gemini
Sometimes simple pleasures are better because they encourage us to find happiness at home. Contentment will be found through tried and traditional methods, so this is a great time to enjoy what we have managed to cultivate around us.
This type of relief will be brought by the direct motion of Mercury, with which communication and agreements will be achieved better and of course new opportunities will open up for all of us.
Jupiter, the largest planet in our solar system, the greatest benefic of mankind, known as Zeus to the ancient Greeks or Brihaspati in the Hindu tradition, the teacher of the Devas or demigods, the God of justice, gentleness and mercy, will leave dynamic Aries and enter patient Taurus, which is also one of the most important transits this year, where it will remain until May 25, 2024.
Jupiter is warm, broad-minded, decisive, expansive and serene — its energy spreads quietly and spontaneously, certainly majestically, and brings joy for life, honour, prosperity and success in life.
Taurus is a sign associated with the enjoyment in beauty, satiated desires, but also material happiness, resources, money, possessions, comforts and stability. In that sense, Jupiter in Taurus will bring a greater need for setting healthy and clear boundaries in the area of finances, innovation in handling money, investments, greater practicality, love of the earth and the ability to enjoy healthy sensual pleasures, as well as the beauties of the natural world. So, if you have to travel this period, do it without delay; if you’re ready to settle down and put down roots, do just that, and if you’re ready to invest in yourself and your talents, the land or property you have, pursue your ambitions or inclinations. Jupiter will help you develop the ability to distinguish good from bad, as well as understanding the truth.
JUPITER square PLUTO Rx (May 18) is an aspect that will emphasize great ambitions, but also inflexibility, so we will have to be especially careful how we use contacts with significant and successful people to our advantage, which will then bring us an important position in the life. This is like building a stairway to more islands in the planetary sky through which we will connect with the One who is most important in our individual lives. This is a challenge that requires competition, perseverance, possible dilemmas, but also success, especially if we overcome our weaknesses or the weaknesses of others.
The NEW MOON in TAURUS (May 19) is an excellent and bright moment for new beginnings and connecting with others with the intention of achieving concrete results, which will bring golden opportunities, gains, riches, luxury, but also protection of these specific sectors and assets . More about the New Moon in Taurus in the next report.
The transit of MARS in LEO (May 20 — July 10) is an announcement of warmer weather and summer, fiery pride, royal behaviour and courage … This placement of MARS gives great energy, determination, strength and desire to compete. However, the transit itself puts MARS in a T-square with JUPITER and an opposition with PLUTO Rx in AQUARIUS, which can lead to disconnection and out-of-sync with one’s own and others’ needs. Wrapped in your own imagination, creativity but also escapism, this is a period when you could start new projects or hobbies without asking for support from others, so that guided by subjective needs and desires, it can happen to lose the objectivity that is certainly an appeal to rationality, to avoid power battles, relationships with the need for dominance or submission, etc.
The transit of the SUN in GEMINI (May 21 — June 21) is an incentive to embrace the playful, curious and cheerful atmosphere in life. SUN sextile MARS is an aspect that will increase vitality, and SUN trine PLUTO Rx is an aspect that will encourage regenerative powers, as well as the ability to bring to the surface our deepest reserves and strengths.
How will these developments affect you personally? Are you in for hard lessons, betrayals, sadness, permanent solutions or occasions for rejoicing? Will you be able to heal old wounds? Will the law be on your side? Will you reap success in foreign countries? Will you come to new religious insights?
These are questions to ponder about.
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Irena Tancheva