May 22–28, 2023 — Weekly trends
Weekly Trends, May 22–28, 2023,
May 22, 2023 — Monday,
Central European Time
“If God gives you a seed, He expects you to plant it; if He plants it for you, He expects you to water it; if He waters it for you, He expects you to prune it; if He prunes and keeps it for you, He expects you to harvest it; if He harvest it for you, He expects you to store it; if He stores it for you, He expects you to keep it safe from getting rotten and if He keeps it from getting rotten for you, He expects you to account for the seed. Yes! Life is all about purposefully fulfilling a purpose. We are expected to be doing something at each moment in our life or we live without purposefully living.”
― Ernest Agyemang Yeboah, The Untapped Wonderer In You: dare to do the undone
May 23–6:50 AM — Mars square Jupiter
May 25–12:45 AM — Venus square Chiron
May 26–9:00 PM — Mars square True Node
May 27–5:22 PM — First Quarter Moon, 6 Virgo 06'
May 28–12:30 PM — Sun square Saturn
May 22–5:28 AM — Moon enters Cancer
May 24–4:34 PM — Moon enters Leo
May 27–5:05 AM — Moon enters Virgo
Believe it or not, we are still under the influence of the post-shadow phase of the retrograde motion of Mercury, and this requires patience, thorough work, as well as an understanding of the slow unfolding of some processes and frozen changes. Mercury exits this phase on June 2 and this will reduce feelings of anxiety, guilt, depression or inner torment. So try to stay flexible, control your temper, give yourself extra time and check everything twice or more.
As in winter, when the seeds lie dormant in the ground waiting for spring, things wait to unfold in their own time. If something has been dormant in your life, the transit of the SUN in GEMINI (May 21 — June 21) brings the winds of change that will blow away those cobwebs. This week is a harbinger of great transitions and metamorphosis — SUN sextile MARS.
We will feel the greatest influence from MARS in LEO (May 20 — July 10) — with a strong need to express personal creativity and gain recognition from others, we will often be faced with dramatic and self-confident behaviour — from our own side and from others — wanting to leave a personal mark on every things we do. This Mars has a fiery enthusiasm and passion that is inspiring to others, but in which bush does the rabbit lie?
MARS is in opposition with PLUTO Rx on May 21, an aspect that erases any line of objectivity, and in an exact square with JUPITER (May 23), which is a tense situation that requires us to develop self-discipline because impulsiveness can cause problems in the realization of the desired plans.
VENUS square CHIRON (May 25) is an indication of some kind of emotional pain, love relationships will be in focus, as well as building trust between lovers. VENUS sextile VESTA will moderate this influence by offering help and keys to solving domestic issues.
MARS square NORTH NODE of the MOON ( May 26 ) — with a strong urge to realize personal destiny, because right, it’s a karmic decision and an incentive from within, we could find ourselves in a situation where we would burn all bridges embodying the Warrior archetype in ourselves, so it is likely that in seeking the truth we will have to adjust our beliefs in our own strengths, God, courage, convictions, leadership skills, and compromise. All kinds of outbursts, fights, anger, ego games, and everything related to authority figures are possible, so we will have to learn to grow through these challenges.
In a graphic representation, this is a situation where we walk the thin line of resistance — like a panther on a branch trying to leap into the unknown, surrounded by relentless hunters demanding their share. Hot, very hot and thunderous — the atmosphere is tense. Embed this image in any sector you want and you’ll know what it’s about.
FIRST QUARTER MOON (May 27) is a tense situation, the sense of competition is emphasized and it is difficult to focus and channel the energy because the passions are strong and the impulses are selfish. People work according to their own agenda and interests which can result in chaos. Understanding yourself and others better is the key to solving this situation and coming to win-win solutions.
SUN square SATURN ( May 28 ) is a call to illuminate the basic structures in life. You may fear change or experience criticism from an authority figure, discover your vulnerabilities or insecurities … but that’s why it’s good to take responsibility for your own actions and improve your personal performance for the future.
Passionate reactions can ignite obsessions, ranging from romantic love, devotion to a righteous cause, or an overwhelming desire to manifest a particular vision into reality.
These are topics to think about.
Where and how will this be reflected in the personal sphere?
If you have questions or want to talk, schedule a consultation.
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Irena Tancheva