New Moon In Capricorn

Irena Tančeva
7 min readDec 20, 2022


December 23, 2022 — Friday,
New Moon in Capricorn
at 11:17 AM,

Central European Time

The next New Moon is taking place in the sign of the serious, ambitious and pragmatic Capricorn, a sign with a cardinal quality and earth element. This is a sign that is structured, organized and likes to climb to the top of social ladders, political structures and organizations from where it can supervise, control, dominate and impose discipline.

Capricorn is the tenth sign of the Zodiac, a sign associated with tradition, realism, achieving success and long-term goals, mostly in the area of career and status.

In the various ancient Zodiacs already examined, the sign Capricorn is represented by the sign of a goat with the tail of a fish, sometimes alone, and sometimes held on a leash by a deity or hero, which pierces the quadrupedal placed in the sign Sagittarius. It is probably a pig or boar, the symbol of Seth, the deity of matter and darkness, associated with Saturn and its condenser aspect. The movement of the hero clearly alludes to the ultimate destruction of man’s material nature by the god within him.

In Sanskrit, Capricorn is called MAKARA, i.e. crocodile. This amphibious animal (with a double life), which has a dual nature, simultaneously represents two aspects of Life, Spirit — Matter, or equally as goat — fish, elements earth — water.

As for the word MAKARA, here is what its analysis reveals: in Hebrew, the root MA divided into letters means:

M — sign of mother
A — unity, principle, power.

``MA — everything that strives to increase its being, its full development; everything that serves as an instrument of generative power and manifests it externally … in the Arabic idiom, water, anything, everything or nothing, but according to the way it is observed…’’

In the involutive sense of expansion of Energy tending to materialize, the visible Universe is ALL, while in the evolutionary sense of withdrawal, sublimation, it is the unmanifested Centre from which the universe develops which is ALL, but also from the point of view of tangible NOTHING.

Goat — Capricorn — Fish symbolizes the two substrates of flexible manifestation, earth and water, with which the world was shaped and which, serving the evolution of man, as elements of his physical body sublimate and remove everything from themselves during their ascent towards infinity.

The goat, a climbing quadrupedal, signifies the ascent towards the peaks, and the tail of the Fish, the fertile animal, signifies procreation, as well as the element of water, which predominates in all births and rebirths, and is also a symbol of purification.

Capricorn — Fish or the Sea Goat is a symbol of the god of primordial water, the element fish is also indicative of the relationship between renunciation and absorption in the absolute.

The body of a goat with the tail of a fish would symbolize an entity that is freed from matter through inner hearing. MAKARA or Crocodile is an animal whose tail symbolizes the west and darkness, and its eyes the east where the light rises. That’s about the symbolism of this sign.

The New Moon is a cycle that occurs every month on about 28–29 days, when the Moon makes a conjunction with the Sun and thus begins a new emotional cycle for each one of us. The life juices are awakened, passion, excitement and devotion grow and the desire to manifest the visions in a concrete form arises again. That is why we say that the New Moon is an excellent period of 24 hours in which it is good to start something, to set new intentions and goals, because their realization takes place more easily, from this day and during the next two weeks until the Full Moon .

This New Moon is also called the Super New Moon because the Moon’s orbit is closest to Earth and is a symbol of strength, health and joy. Firmness and stability that symbolize maturity, wisdom, life, prudence and the ability to introspect. Joy, optimism. It speaks of good abilities and powerful strength. Health, vitality, great internal resources, as well as strength and the ability to do what you desire.

All this is prompted by the stellium in Capricorn — SUN conjunct MOON, VENUS, MERCURY and PLUTO — a situation that indicates that all collective forces are concentrated on building constructive relationships between people, organizations and countries, as well as monarchies that are under the protection of this sign or former monarchies which in mundane astrology are marked with this sign (the high horns of Capricorn are a symbol of a crown). These include the following countries: Great Britain, Germany, Greece, Indonesia, Libya, New Zealand, Panama, Romania, Russia, Slovakia, Serbia, Sudan, Haiti.

CHIRON is direct on the same day at 10:31 АМ, in ARIES, JUPITER is already transiting in ARIES and CERES in LIBRA, so the cardinal signs — ARIES, CANCER, LIBRA and CAPRICORN — will be activated through the aspects of the SUN conjunction MOON square with JUPITER and CERES which are in mutual opposition.

Given that MARS, the planet of dynamism, energy and sense of direction, is still retrograde in GEMINI until January 12, 2023, we’ll have to do all kinds of stunts to get our activities done on time while taming the chattering monkey minds and thus we discover that there are more perspectives in life. That’s why it’s best to use a sense of humour, wait for favourable news and timing, and stay open to unexpected twists and turns — MARS Rx sextile CHIRON.

MERCURY sextile NEPTUNE is an aspect that emphasizes imagination, receptivity to psychic phenomena such as telepathy, metaphysics, and objects that defy the rational mind, although MERCURY in CAPRICORN still wants clear communication and thinking.

MERCURY sextile JUNO is an aspect that bestows the gift of compassionate listening, counselling and advocacy, as well as professions where equality and compassion are linked.

VENUS conjunct MERCURY now a weak influence aspect, yet gives a sense of aesthetics, form and design, craftsmanship, as well as creative expression.

VENUS trine URANUS Rx is an aspect that encourages a desire for freedom in intimate relationships as well as excitement, so you will appreciate relationships that are intellectually stimulating and where people have a lot of room to express themselves authentically and be who they really are.

SATURN square URANUS Rx is an aspect with a weak influence, but still current, which brings changes of the type of replacement of the old with the new, i.e. replacement of old and non-progressive ideas with new and more humane concepts.

This NEW MOON is occurring at 1 Capricorn 33', and the Sabian symbol for this degree is called — Three Rose Windows In A Gothic Church, One Damaged By A War. In addition to the original dramatic nature that indicates destruction or the need for reconstruction, here we are talking about the need to leave a significant mark in the time in which we live, for influences or rising to a certain position of responsibility, but also possible conflict, as well as the power to achieve an eminent status. There are forces here that can oppose such tendencies, therefore great self-confidence, adaptability, seriousness and original thinking are needed.

The soul of man is said to be threefold. What part of man’s inner trinity of principles tends to be destroyed by the use of violence? Obviously the principle of love and compassion. Therefore, this symbol speaks of the necessary realization by every individual who violently uses collective power that it will lead to the inevitable destruction of some of the values that ensure group integration (Dane Rudhyar).

Interpreting earthly events by identifying and clarifying the spiritual archetypes to which these events correspond; seeing historical events as moral parables; surviving the blows of fate by putting one’s problems in a higher perspective; respecting the values that will survive the rise and fall of nations (ideologues-closed to alternative viewpoints); standing firm on one’s spiritual ideals (feel surrounded by the harsh materialism and negativity of modern life; struggle to maintain one’s faith); seeing the big picture versus getting lost in fragmentary truths; emotional roots that spiral through time to feed on the immortal truths of a martial spiritual tradition; connection with the Gnostic spiritual tradition (the essential unity of esoteric Christianity and pagan solar worship); spiritual teaching or preaching (Martin Goldsmith).

Now it is good to ask ourselves, are we “sleepers” who want to remain protected and seemingly invulnerable? Are we unconsciously limiting ourselves by supporting the illusion of safety and security in the apparent protection of our shell? So be willing to break the limiting envelopes of self-concepts and life structures. Let go of old patterns and beliefs that once provided security and move forward into new possibilities. Beyond the confines of security and the routine patterns of everyday life, unknown possibilities emerge.

How the influence of the New Moon will be reflected in individual horoscopes is a story in itself. Knowing your birth chart is necessary to find out in which sector of life changes will occur. If you need more information on a personal level about this lunation or are interested in doing another type of astrological consultation, please contact me at the following email:

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Stay in good health and mood!

@Irena Tancheva

Reference > Nikostrat Saronski



Irena Tančeva
Irena Tančeva

Written by Irena Tančeva

Astrologer & Tarot lover. Writing daily and weekly astrology forecasts. New Moon and Full Moon reports. Stargazing, stargazing, stargazing.....

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