New Moon In Pisces
February 20, 2023 — Monday,
New Moon in Pisces,
at 8:06 AM,
Central European Time
The next New Moon is taking place in the sign of imaginative, compassionate and spiritual Pisces, a sign of mutable quality and water element. This is a sign with a gentle, impressionable and receptive nature, simply put — a dreamer, so people born in this sign often know how to get lost in their fantasies, feelings and intuition, taking anything in the outside world as real. Wide as the endless ocean, quiet and peaceful, these people develop a general human and cosmic consciousness, so it is considered that they have a great sensitivity that they cannot control, and from there a kind of eccentricity is born.
Pisces is the twelfth sign in the Zodiac, which is associated with mysticism, art, music and emotions, ruled by Neptune and original ruler Jupiter, this sign likes to delve into the depths of the subconscious, to understand opposites because the very movement of fish is in the opposite direction, to understand justice, to understand change, their own elusiveness, their aspirations and reactions. Full of opposites and undefined situations, Pisces are sometimes devoid of a sense of reality, and have an unusual sense of surreality.
Pisces symbolizes the psyche, that inner, dark world through which one communicates with God or the devil, and in horoscopes this is reflected as a nature that lacks constancy and is susceptible to influences.
The symbolism of the Pisces also extends to Christianity, with certain specific changes, the Christians took it as an ideogram, where the Greek word ICHTHUS (Fish) corresponds to the five words Jesus Christ, Son of God — Saviour. IESUS CHRISTOS THEU YIOS SOTER. From there there are also numerous symbolic representations of fish.
Since the fish lives in the water, sometimes the symbolism of the fish will be an allusion to baptism: birth from the water of baptism. A Christian can be recognized by a small fish, the image of Christ himself.
Tolerant, non-judgemental, merciful, people born under this sign accept people as they are regardless of their flaws, mistakes or outward appearance, hence many of them are dedicated healers, doctors, psychics, social workers or spiritual persons.
This is also a sign of illusionists, losers, people associated with addiction diseases or strange diagnoses, and in a positive sense, musicians, humanists, liberals and artists.
The New Moon is a cycle that occurs every month for about 29.5 days, when the Moon makes a conjunction with the Sun and thus begins a new emotional cycle for each one of us. The life juices are awakened, passion, excitement and devotion grow and the desire to manifest the visions in a concrete form arises again. That is why we say that the New Moon is an excellent period of 24 hours in which it is good to start something, to set new intentions and goals, because their realization takes place more easily, from this day and during the next two weeks until the Full Moon.
This New Moon is also called the Super New Moon because the Moon’s orbit is closest to Earth and is a symbol of strength, health and joy. Sensitivity will be on the rise, research in psychology, occultism and expanding knowledge in the spiritual domains.
NEW MOON conjunction SATURN, out of sign is a moment when we accept that the end is a natural phase of every process, i.e. a moment for new beginnings, change and transformation: this is a great sign of change that says we should forget old habits and ways of thinking in order to allow more mature and rewarding patterns to emerge in our lives.
SATURN is in AQUARIUS, behind the SUN and the MOON from where it gives a favourable influence to stand up for our desires, goals and self-realization and in this sense it is not an obstacle or limitation, as it usually is, but serious work, self-discipline and responsibility and a favourable push from behind.
Directly at 2°40′ is the fixed star Sadalmelech, which according to Ptolemy is of the same nature as Saturn and Mercury, i.e. the bearer of sad and restrictive news, and signifies scandals, extreme and sudden destruction or death penalty.
Combined with the Sun: Occult interests, prominence in the occult, profit through companies. [Robson, p.201.]
Combined with Moon: Eminence in occult matters, success in big companies, favourable for profit. If at the same time malefactor with Algol, death by royal command either by hanging or beheading. [Robson, p.201.]
Combined with Saturn: Original, inventive, psychic, careful, cautious, practical, good judgement, difficulty in putting ideas or inventions into practice, profit through companies, speculations and things of an earthly nature, chronic illness of wife or children, favourable to profit, long life. [Robson, p.201.]
In short, if you fear and resist change, your life could become stagnant and somewhat uninspiring as a result, so it’s best to let go of all unproductive attachments and trust the change to take you where you need to be.
It’s not all black, on the contrary, VENUS sextile PLUTO heralds a new development in the intimate chambers, passion and attraction. Existing relationships are evolving to a higher degree and experiencing a renaissance. Discovering new fashion trends, artistic styles and experimentation in the field of sexuality. Immediately after the lunation itself, VENUS makes an ingression into ARIES at 08:55 AM, where it will remain until March 17. In this dynamic sign, VENUS acquires qualities of initiative, courage, independence and freedom.
MERCURY trine MARS will emphasize dynamic and bold communication, and MERCURY sextile CHIRON will add softness and understanding to general painful topics. MERCURY square URANUS will emphasize the talent for sudden insights and discoveries, but one will have to be careful about hasty conclusions or incorrect information, and MERCURY sextile JUPITER will increase interest in learning, travelling and expanding mental capacities.
As a challenging aspect with MERCURY we can note the opposition with LILITH, which indicates that mind and passion are not in harmony. LILITH is a sensitive point, that dark point in the characters that we would like to repress, which causes strong feelings or rage, because we feel misunderstood or stifled in the attempt to communicate. There may be a need to fight to express one’s opinion or to confirm one’s ideals.
CHIRON in ARIES supports LILITH in trine, even though it squares PALLAS, which means making a strategy to deal with the worst pain, mostly related to sexuality. Following our passions pushes us against the status quo. Emergence of leading roles or inspiration as a willingness to embrace one’s deepest desires and sexuality. Those who have to face the severe traumas will find confidence in their own powers.
VESTA opposition CERES is an aspect that emphasizes that we should not forget our own needs in the overwhelming desire to help others. Day turns into night and we rarely notice it, whether it is due to some specific circumstances or huge life transitions, so now we are asked to expand our vision as much as possible and embrace our desire to nurture, joy, enjoyment and freedom.
This NEW MOON is occurring at 1 Pisces 22', and the Sabian symbol for this degree is called — A Squirrel Hiding From Hunters. In addition to the original and obvious symbolism that indicates the need for self-protection, this symbol is imbued with the need of the individual to secure his future existence and to protect himself from aggressive social elements. This is about stockpiling food, as well as the dangers associated with such actions. Competition, social aggression and greed. There may be a sense of anticipation and heightened awareness or alertness, and perhaps the ability to hear or perceive subtle things in the environment — some kind of threat that appears out of the blue.
Ambition grows, and with it mental speculation, but also financial. Tactics to ensure survival. The media spreads fear and hatred. Harassment. Asking for forgiveness. Fear. Creative solutions. Refugees. Hunters and hunted. Suspects. Pleasure in prestige. Security. Career and romance changes. New beginnings and starting over.
Psychic sensitivity to others’ emotions toward oneself, be it hostility, passion, or affection; they want to lower the veils and defences, but first feel the reactions of a person; fishing for that beautiful but elusive romance (know how to wriggle out of the nasty schemes of lustful people); flirting versus shy withdrawal; controlling one’s image to elicit a desired reaction from other people (backstage preparation — like an actress putting on her costume and make-up before the curtain rises); developing a fascinating image to appear in the public eye versus protecting one’s secrets from a hostile public; having a private life very different from one’s public image (exposure, scandal); casting a seductive spell over someone or the public at large. (Martin Goldberg).
In a more ethical sense this NEW MOON is occurring at the point where the veil is pierced to gain wisdom: shamans, spiritual leaders and visionaries transcend personal limitations in order to gain better focus or peaceful warrior strength, as well as insights and wisdom beyond the conventional. So make it your intention to explore your personal truth: step forward boldly following wisdom.
In astrometeorology, the NEW MOON in PISCES will bring changeable, warmer, cloudy and rainy weather, with low atmospheric pressure and melting snow, so it is very important during the dominance of Pisces to drink more water, to try to detox, to take long showers and salt baths and to pay attention to the feet because this part of the body is influenced by this sign.
If you need more information on a personal level about this New Moon or are interested in doing another type of astrological consultation, please contact me at the following email: and see if I am available.
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Stay in good health and mood!
@Irena Tancheva
References > Nikostrat Saronski, Dane Rudhyar