November 17 and 18, 2022 — Thursday and Friday
17 and 18 November 2022 — Thursday and Friday
(November 17–19), 2:03 AM,
(November 17 — December 6), 9:42 AM.,
Central European Time
Thursday — With the MOON in VIRGO we are intensely aware of order and efficiency, as well as whether we are helping and making a productive contribution. This is a time when doubts can arise, especially if what we are doing seems to be going unrecognised. That’s why it’s best to focus on small achievements: manage time and energy. Believe that you are capable. Honour your commitments.
MERCURY transit SAGITTARIUS reminds us of our endless creativity in the field of communication, trading, thinking, transportation and traffic. We are looking for information that will help us see the bigger picture. For example, we enjoy religious and philosophical debates. We value freedom of speech and thought. We communicate with people from distant cultures.
Friday — SUN sextile PLUTO increases our faith in personal power to emerge victorious from any difficult situation and face destiny.
Meanwhile the square MARS Rx/NEPTUNE Rx is activated by a T-square by the MOON, a situation where things get as fuzzy as a winter blizzard. However, know that you are not alone in this battle and take comfort in your friendships — MOON trine URANUS Rx.
The reward will be in the journey itself, not the destination. Lessons will be carved out of difficulties, but they will be very valuable. If you have strayed, now is the time to correct it. Work smarter, not harder. Nurture your motivation and passion.
@Irena Tancheva