November 2, 2022 — Wednesday

Irena Tančeva
2 min readNov 2, 2022

November 2, 2022 — Wednesday
moving into PISCES, 7:46 PM,
(2–4 November)

Central European Time

VENUS quincunx CHIRON Rx conjunction SOUTH NODE — You could feel lonely or disappointed in your efforts towards a relationship or project. Now it is important to step back briefly and clear your thoughts. Think carefully about your endeavours, because this is a karmic situation: meditation will help you decide whether to continue in the same direction or move on.

If you are suffering from some kind of illness that you cannot deal with for a long time, today is a great day to go to the doctor, to find the desired medicine or balm. What is important is to persevere in your efforts and be consistent in your treatment. Treat your body as a sacred temple, your home as a sacred space.

The transit of the MOON in PISCES will bring a new surge of emotions, which will make you think about what makes life meaningful for you. Intuition will be sharpened, imagination on the rise and you will be able to dedicate yourself more to your creative projects. Find time and energy for the beautiful rituals in life. Bless the water before you drink it and say thanks for your food. Take care of today and the future will take care of itself. Remember, every experience is a new lesson.

@Irena Tancheva



Irena Tančeva

Astrologer & Tarot lover. Writing daily and weekly astrology forecasts. New Moon and Full Moon reports. Stargazing, stargazing, stargazing.....