November 1, 2022 — Tuesday
November 1, 2022 — Tuesday
on 8 Aquarius 49'
Central European Time
And so we come to the First Quarter Moon, a phase that prompts us to stop and reassess where we’ve come with our plans: the two celestial bodies placed in fixed signs say that satisfaction will be sought through tried-and-true methods, and perhaps you will find that you are not inclined to make radical changes today.
However, look beyond your garden and don’t be afraid to make new friendships and connections that will further support your development. This is a time in our lives when our friends can be from anywhere in the world, so cherish these acquaintances and appreciate the Earth and all its inhabitants, no matter how different they are.
MOON square URANUS Rx conjunction SATURN is a moment when an unexpected change could occur, especially in the elemental world that will require synthesis — an embrace of the fire that creates earth and transmutes it into water and then into air. A synthesis of mind, body and spirit.
Reconnect with your friends, especially if you belong to the fixed signs — TAURUS, LEO, SCORPIO and AQUARIUS. Be outgoing, but appreciate your own individuality.
Everyone has something special to contribute — everyone is a unique part of this particular time, place and circumstances. Appreciate the differences between people as much as the similarities. Give space to others to express their ideas. Help each other. Encourage people to flourish. Look for common points of similarity and draw inspiration from there. Connect with your inner child and learn to play again. Take care of each other. Share with others. Avoid strong outbursts of patriotism and politics. Cultivate higher ideals and visions.
@Irena Tancheva