November 30 and December 1, 2022 — Wednesday and Thursday
November 30 and December 1, 2022 — Wednesday and Thursday,
(November 30 — December 2), 01:15 AM,
PALLAS Retrograde in CANCER,
(November 30, 2022 — February 16, 2023), 09:36 AM,
Central European Time
Wednesday — The transit of the MOON in PISCES brings tender feelings, compassion, kindness and a non-judgemental attitude. This is a period when we have an increased affinity for music and poetry.
PALLAS ATHENA, the asteroid whose archetype represents creative intelligence, is stationed retrograde in the cardinal CANCER, where it takes on strong intuitive traits, strong emotions, and connection to home and family. During this period we will be called to rediscover the JOY that resides within ourselves.
The FIRST QUARTER MOON (MOON square SUN), brings us to the crossroads of life, a moment when we stop and ask where we have reached with our plans and whether their execution is going in the desired direction.
In the evening, VENUS begins an opposition with MARS Rx, which will last the next day: the flexibility of the signs themselves will help us to master ourselves and discover the highest potential that lies in every human being.
Thursday — VENUS opposition MARS Rx and MERCURY square NEPTUNE Rx — sometimes we might want to close our eyes to what is happening outside of us in order to avoid pain and difficult decisions, but this is not a solution but a temporary salvation, and so are leaving us vulnerable to external influences.
VENUS sextile SATURN will give rise to serious decisions related to love, but also finances, as well as loyalty, faithfulness and long-term security. With this aspect we will be able to cross the mountains and discover new landscapes. Welcome December!
@Irena Tancheva