October 2–8, 2023 — Weekly Trends

Irena Tančeva
7 min readOct 1, 2023


Weekly Trends, October 2–8, 2023,
October 2, 2023 — Monday,

Central European Time

October 5
- 2:08 AM — Mercury enters Libra, 00 Libra 00';
October 6
- 3:47 PM — Last Quarter Moon, 13 Cancer 03';

October 3–7:03 AM — Moon enters Gemini;
October 5–2:31 PM — Moon enters Cancer;
October 8–01:24 AM — Moon enters Leo.

And so, dear friends, after the intense Harvest Full Moon in Aries, when I write this text, which left us awake, diligent and eager for success and benefits, so sleepless but happy because of the blessings, that is, the harvest that we managed to collect , we will enter the next working week with a little more stable emotional energy — MOON in TAURUS — without asking ourselves what we should be afraid of, whether the retrograde cycle of Mercury and Venus is over, whether it is necessary to tie ourselves to a mast in order to survive what is coming and whether it is necessary to enter another day of fasting to reduce the unfavourable influences of the planets.

And if my eyes serve me right, and I hope they do, the beginning of the next working week is graced by a nice earth trine between MERCURY in VIRGO, URANUS Rx in TAURUS — there’s also the Moon — and PLUTO Rx in CAPRICORN, giving a practically focused attention, logical thinking about how to improve and transform things in the physical world, be it in governing structures or corrections in food prices, wages or natural resources and all that can be innovation that the world of nature has to offer.

MERCURY in its home sign VIRGO opposition NEPTUNE Rx in its home sign PISCES, emphasizes the tendency to fantasize, daydream as well as artistic expression, but can also cause a certain amount of confusion. You will find the way to freedom or desired clarity in the simplicity of your hearts.

VENUS in LEO sextile MARS in LIBRA and both planets in quincunx to NEPTUNE Rx in PISCES make a Yod, but MARS in LIBRA also quincunx URANUS Rx and NEPTUNE Rx, the latter two also in sextile, another Yod. If you remember, this is an aspect we’ve talked about a lot before, and it’s called the Finger of God.

To repeat, the Yod is an isosceles triangle formed when two planets are in sextile (aspect of 60°) and both simultaneously form a close inconjunction or quincunx (aspect of 150°) with a third planet (maximum orb of 2° to 2.5° ). The third planet is the cusp planet.

Otherwise, this aspect is also called the Finger of God because it is a significant aspect that can bring transformation, increased self-awareness and spiritual growth, especially if we take it upon ourselves to deal with deep-rooted issues, in order to overcome challenges and finally achieve a sense of fulfilment, harmony and balance in our lives. The Finger of God is an aspect of Spiritual Evolution. Like it or not, ready or not, there will come a day when we understand that ….. I leave room for your curiosity or imagination to answer these questions and how these two Fingers of God will affect your individual lives and which sectors will be affected.

In general, the first Yod speaks of the emergence of fiery ambitious energy and an understanding of what it will take to bring ideas and projects to fruition. If there’s a mission you’re committed to while putting off decisions for another day, now would be a good time to make sure the path you’re on is in your best interest.

The second Yod speaks of recognizing your personal and unique potential to transcend obstacles to express your life purpose and mission on this planet. Sometimes we get lost in our dreams and visions in this process and this aspect calls us to renew our personal truth by having a broader perspective of where we are today.

MERCURY, the planet in charge of communication and thought processes, learning and information moves into the sophisticated and socially conscious LIBRA, with which we will come to more peaceful insights, insist on diplomatic solutions and communicate more casually, encouraging others to find balance in their personal life. This is an excellent transit for lawyers, mediators, diplomats and social workers.

This is the week when you will discover that you are greatly influenced by the stars: yes, you can create your own destiny, but it is the stars that point you in the right direction. You have an important life purpose and you are here to shine. Yes, your astrological sign, stars and planetary movement play a big role in your life. So visit an accredited astrologer to understand your astrological chart. Enjoy stargazing. Learn more about the planets and how their eternal dance affects you. Simply take bold steps towards your chosen destiny and go for it.


Monday — October 2
4:45 AM — Mars sextile Juno: Willingness to help, intuitive powers, clairvoyance and healing. Conscious passivity and heartfelt compassion will reveal a whole new perspective on things.
3:34 PM — Mercury opposition Neptune Rx: Emphasized psychic perception and imagination. Vague information. Increased activity that requires clear direction.

Tuesday — October 3
7:19 PM — Mercury trine Pluto Rx: discovering the deeper aspects of a specific situation; exploring mysteries and mystical phenomena or the hidden aspects of the human psyche. Deep insights and discoveries.
Mercury square the Galactic Centre: Connection of the rational aspect with the wider realm of the irrational.

Wednesday — October 4
12:21 AM — Venus quincunx Neptune Rx: Pride, power and ambition versus humility, generosity and nobility. All these qualities must fit together and come into balance to achieve ultimate success.
12:06 PM — Mercury sesquisquare Jupiter Rx: Life is much more than the daily routine. Now it is important to create rituals that will symbolize significant events.
3:30 PM — Mars opposition Eris Rx: Infinite source of vital energy. Allow the feelings to rise and dissolve. Don’t judge them. Feel them fully and you will reach the desired harmony inside and out.

Thursday — October 5
2:08 AM — Mercury enters Libra: Self-improvement, confession, forgiveness; freedom from guilt and criticism; a new cycle in communication.
2.00 PM — Mars opposition North Node: Ultimate Experience — Having everything, keeping nothing! Without hesitation or guilt, allow yourself to surrender to this manifested wholeness.
2:58 PM — Venus trine Galactic Centre: Sign of good fortune and fulfilment. Something obsolete falls away painlessly. Listen to your intuition. Our deepest knowledge needs no words.
5:03 PM — Mercury quincunx Saturn Rx: Need for mentorship, increased enthusiasm for learning and learning through trial and error.
8:58 PM — Sun sesquisquare Venus: Strategy for advancing of loved ones, curbing emotions and thinking with a cool head. Objectivity.
11:09 PM — Mars quincunx Neptune Rx: Developing abundant talents, artistic inspiration, convergence of interests, developing noble traits in character.

Friday — October 6
12:49 PM — Venus quincunx Pluto Rx: Time still flows like sand in an hourglass. The dice have been cast and some cyclical change is awaited. Time, eternity and the temporal world.
3:47 PM — Last Quarter Moon, 13 Cancer 03': Need for seclusion from the excessive noise and nervousness of the outside world; achieving universal wisdom and quality time with loved ones.

Saturday — October 7
9:04 AM — Sun quincunx Jupiter Rx: Great receptivity and freedom, especially if you don’t get into fruitless arguments. An experience of happiness that is shared with others. Gratitude and a new lifestyle.
5:42 PM — Neptune Rx quincunx Juno: Trusting your inner emotions to lead you to ecstasy, you will gain surprising insights into a miraculous situation.
7:00 PM — Mars sextile Galactic Centre: Evolution. Finding your own unique energy, following your own light, living your own realization. Freedom from rigid routines.
11:31 PM — Mercury square Vesta: Reluctance to get attached to one place, situation or person. The more you believe that you are guided by a higher power, the safer your journey will be.

Sunday — October 8
No significant aspects

October 9 at 3:10 AM — Venus enters Virgo, 00 Virgo 00'. October 11 at 3:09 AM — Pluto is stationary Direct, at 27 Capricorn 53'D. October 12, Mars enters Scorpio at 6:04 PM.

To a mind that is still, the whole universe surrenders. Personally, I’m going to listen to Lao Tzu and take some time off to wait for the Solar Eclipse in Libra to pass, which occurs October 14th at 7:55 PM. I have some good new books, interesting astrology links and tarot cards that I would love to study!

If you face unforeseen events during the next week or want to gain more control, come back to reality and find calm solutions. You know where to find me.

Strive for creative solutions….. And always believe in the mystery!

Thank you for sharing this link.

Have a great week!

Irena Tancheva



Irena Tančeva
Irena Tančeva

Written by Irena Tančeva

Astrologer & Tarot lover. Writing daily and weekly astrology forecasts. New Moon and Full Moon reports. Stargazing, stargazing, stargazing.....

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