October 26, 2022 — Wednesday

Irena Tančeva
2 min readOct 25, 2022


Irena Tancheva

October 26, 2022 — Wednesday

MOON conjunction SOUTH NODE opposition NORTH NODE is a moment when we will be able to leave behind the dark feelings that circle around us like black birds from the past. This is a day when we intuitively know that new beginnings await us that bring infinite possibilities — MOON opposition URANUS Rx: the World smells of a new adventure that we are ready to embrace without worrying too much about the consequences.

The desire to break free from stagnant situations is strong — SUN, MOON and VENUS in SCORPIO — as well as painful situations that suffocate the heart. If you find yourself in this mix of emotions and you belong to the fixed signs — TAURUS, LEO, SCORPIO and AQUARIUS — stop for a moment, take time to re-evaluate situations and explore dysfunctional relationships. Resolve inner disharmony by practicing healthy self-esteem and love.

MERCURY in LIBRA square PLUTO in CAPRICORN is an aspect that can emphasize harshness in speech, encourage obsessive thinking and emphasize the difference between people by having strong views and reluctance for alternative solutions. This mostly applies to the cardinal signs — ARIES, CANCER, LIBRA and CAPRICORN — who will have to admit to themselves that there are much more important things in life than material possessions and positions and accept their flaws: rely on your own strengths and so you will find your balance.

Through difficult conversations, we deepen intimacy through the stories we share with each other. The more we talk, the more we come up with creative solutions to change things. So dear astro friends, today is a great day to transform our thinking.

The short-term square MOON/SATURN this evening will ask us to be more patient and accept the waiting period. If the door you’re knocking on doesn’t open right away, focus your attention on something else and give your worries a chance to be resolved in another way. We may not be able to reverse some phases, but we can therefore align and move forward with them — MOON trine NEPTUNE Rx. Each cycle is a new life experience and a chance for spiritual development.

@Irena Tancheva



Irena Tančeva
Irena Tančeva

Written by Irena Tančeva

Astrologer & Tarot lover. Writing daily and weekly astrology forecasts. New Moon and Full Moon reports. Stargazing, stargazing, stargazing.....

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