WEEKLY HOROSCOPES for October 26 — November 1, 2020
General guidelines for all signs
For more information, read what your Ascendant or Moon sign says
Oct 27–28 Mercury Retrograde enters Libra
Oct 27–28 Venus enters Libra Ven 0 Lib 00'
Oct 29 Jupiter quincunx True Node Jup 20 Cap 45'
Quincunx TNo 20 Gem 45'
Oct 31 Full Moon in Taurus 8 Tau 38'
This week is a period for inspiring new projects, reworking the rules and timely action: the pace is accelerating, so you need to be careful to stay graceful and beautiful to the end! It is time for courtship, fulfilment of desires and material abundance. The planets in the water signs remind you that you would like to communicate about the use of some letters or documents, after which you will realise that it is all a process that must be passed, and through which you will come to important insights. Protect the weaker and introduce new standards.
With sharpened senses, intuition and a new focus you will be able to deal with an immature person, who is probably scared of you and opposes you whenever you want to reach an agreement. Early-stage projects will require adjustment, which will deepen your faith and move you forward: confront fear directly, giving it an appropriate name. Once you do that, the fear will die away and you will get new allies who will teach you something more about the nature of the soul: these are people you can always rely on, regardless of the end result.
This is a period of fertility, joy, dreams and travel: prepare well and diplomatically resolve situations that will bring you freedom. Possible confrontation with a corrupt person or fraudster, after which you will reach a compromise and find the strength to get rid of unnecessary burdens and difficulties. You may be wondering if you are on the right track, as you have many choices, solutions and turning points. Be rational and take care of your health. You will have good company and you will understand life better.
Suddenly you have great reverence and great respect for life: good health, some kind of promotion and support from people living abroad. You may feel the need to be alone, but you will find that you have a great creative force with which you can move even mountains! Venus in Libra beautifies your home and you want to show yourself in the best light: if you have misunderstandings with children, you will be able to resolve them by lowering your guard and deepening communication with them. Give mature and balanced advice.
Prepare to raise your standards and transform: indecision or a large amount of information leads you to a state of despair, which you will remove with new concepts, flexibility and perseverance. This is a period of metamorphosis, happy upheavals and friendships. Instead of trying too hard for small effects, do the opposite: do less and get more results! Remember that the strong are chosen to fight battles for which the weak are unprepared and that old images must be replaced by new ones.
Fast communication, which is mostly related to close relatives and the neighbourhood: meaningful words are heard far and wide and have a feedback effect. These are fateful steps, secrets or mysteries, which in the end will show you how to be more inventive, fast and informed. If you have a fixed idea of things, you will hurt yourself: find a suitable partner you can rely on at any time. Take advantage of this period that promises gentle hugs, sincere love and new relationships. Promotion and nice financial rewards.
Solo pleasures, luxury and comfort are the key phrases for the coming week: a feeling of freedom, because you will admit that the past is over! Things are evolving and now you know where you belong: the divine is in everyone, but not everyone is situated in the divine. This is a transition between two cycles, and people are like guests living in a dilapidated house for only a short time. To be rich means to understand the heart of the other and to live in virtue. A cycle of seven years ends: it is time for travel, new love and work engagement.
If you are experiencing some kind of difficulty in intimate relationships or misunderstandings, keep in mind that you will have to be fearless and strong, even if it means being alone. Yes, some battles are difficult only because of a weak will, energy or illness, as well as the fear of facing them. Trust the intuition that tells you what is an illusion and what is not, waking up to new goals, transformation and independence. Protect your property, but also other people’s property and adapt to the new perspective and circumstances. Do not lose loved ones by showing your cold side.
Maybe you are restless and want to overcome stagnation as soon as possible: success in personal pursuit and in conflict situations. Life changes and improves and new love or offers are possible, which will show your talents in the best light. You know exactly when you need to change to reach the desired outcome and manifest the projects you desire: it is time for travel, companionship and progress, especially in the field of education. You respect life in all its holiness and that is why you will dedicate part of your time to expressing your creativity.
Unforeseen problems, unfounded fears or dilemmas: persevere in your efforts by making a new strategy and plan. You live life in one breath, finding time for science, diplomacy, but also charm, with which you will be able to get rid of self-imposed imprisonment or isolation. Persistent, diligent and hardworking, you will be able to get to your drop of honey, as well as the bee to its honeycomb: impose a new rhythm when travelling and take care of the vehicle. Before you start anything, clarify what is a priority and arrange your life in that direction. Success.
Show your authority by sacrificing something: take a break when it is not expected of you, relax and get rid of the feeling that you are in a hurry somewhere. Quality teamwork is needed now, so do not rush, as you could cause animosity in others. Protect yourself when it comes to legal issues and avoid the company of uncreative or jealous people, especially when it comes to work. Life spins like a broken record, which will soon stop and move in the right direction: good relationships stand the test of time.
With a great spirit, peace and commitment you will start again, forgive and move on: a new circle of friends who offer you support and love. Life has brought you wisdom and that is why you will be able to give advice on your own: private and legal. Accept these beautiful gifts and share them happily: the difficulties are temporary, and the beautiful moments spent with loved ones remain forever. It shows your strength, courage and power to achieve your goals. Hang out, but without intrigue. Smile sincerely and warmly. Travel!
#IrenaTancheva, #Astrolab, #Astrology #AstrolabIrenaTanchevaTransformativeAstrology,
#WeeklyHoroscopes, #Zodiac