New Moon In Aries
March 21, 2023 — Tuesday,
New Moon in Aries,
at 6:23 PM,
Central European Time
The next New Moon is taking place in the sign of the courageous, self-initiated and honest Aries, a sign of cardinal quality and fire element. This is a sign with dynamic strength, creative power, convinced its own intelligence, visions and convictions, even at the cost of remaining alone. Aries is a sign that is not afraid to be alone, to work independently — it is a sign that reflects personal integrity, authenticity, personal honour and does not listen and understand those of a weaker nature or character. This sign longs for freedom, action and challenges and is always looking forward to some new goal.
Aries is the first sign in the Zodiac that is associated with the sense of identity, the motto ``I am’’, and since in primitive religions the ram was an animal intended for sacrifice, it means that it was dear to the gods. In Roman mythology, it was given even greater importance: it was a symbol of the beginning of all things, because it is ruled by Mars and associated with the miraculous repetition that occurs every morning with the rising of the Sun. Aries marks the beginning of the Zodiac circle, where the Sun’s radiation has the greatest influence on each person. The dominant planet Mars makes this sign impulsive, energetic, with a strong instinct to manage others and instils will, determination, enthusiasm and courage to everyone around.
The sign of Aries is a symbol closely associated with the nature of primordial fire. A cosmic realization of the animal power of fire that erupts and glows at its very source. At the same time, it is also a creative destructive fire, unruly, chaotic and elusive, spreading from the centre in all directions. Its immense fiery power is equated with the outburst of primordial life and its vigor. This power is in astral relationship with Mars and the Sun.
The aggressive and masculine word corresponds to a breathless, boisterous and impetuous nature. The Aries type is given choleric characteristics: emotional — active — primary, which is marked by burning vitality, passion for fast life in the centre and intensity of strong feelings and strong senses. It is the activity of existence with all its dangers, exploits and urges.
It is briefly about the astro-symbolism of the first spring sign, the sign of leaders, pioneers, initiators and those brave enough to take direct action to change things.
The New Moon is a cycle that occurs every month for about 29.5 days, when the Moon makes a conjunction with the Sun and thus begins a new emotional cycle for each one of us. The life juices are awakened, passion, excitement and devotion grow and the desire to manifest the visions in a concrete form arises again. That is why we say that the New Moon is an excellent period of 24 hours in which it is good to start something, to set new intentions and goals, because their realization takes place more easily, from this day and during the next two weeks until the Full Moon .
The NEW MOON in ARIES this year is in a square with MARS, which is in quincunx with PLUTO in CAPRICORN. I call this combination of aspects Against All Odds, yet it is the bearer of new beginnings with limitless potential.
The New Moon in square with its ruler brings conflicts, oppositions, stop-start situations and a lot of confused thoughts, directions or initiatives. This is an aspect that causes irritation, provocations, aggression and combativeness. Such energy can be successfully channelled through hard work, engagement or exercises. Especially men, superiors, competitors or enemies can be a source of discomfort or frustration, which is a reason to put yourself more in a defensive position and act pragmatically. It is best to make a compromise and what cannot be realized immediately, can be left for later when the conditions for it will be more favourable.
MARS quincunx PLUTO reveals that intense energy or effort is not appreciated by co-workers, so this is a reason to rein in your forces more and relax with them. Move on to the next trending topic and find points of similarity.
NEW MOON sextile PLUTO is an aspect that gives tremendous drive and determination to achieve goals, as well as greater influence and control over others. Successfully dealing with crisis situations, as well as eradicating deep emotional problems. Connecting people to overcome barriers or secrets.
The placement of the rest of the planets is as follows:
MERCURY is in ARIES, making communication fast, penetrating, direct, even controversial. Lack of tact and obedience can lead to provocations or incidents.
VENUS is in TAURUS, a place where it feels comfortable, well-grounded and sensual. She is a true beauty here who is patient, gets things done in a consistent manner, does not make outbursts or sudden reactions, but is passive, seductive, decorated and well fed. VENUS in TAURUS does not mind repetitive actions, such as playing études, planting flowers, chopping some specific food, buying luxury items, decorations and jewelry, etc. VENUS in TAURUS is an obedient lover who adores satin sheets, silk dresses, long seductions, tactile pleasures, loyalty, nice music and a slow pace.
During this New Moon, VENUS is in a conjunction to JUNO, which is a very powerful feminine energy, combining two potent Goddesses, so we will find that we are going through a period where we are ready to combine assets, money and love with others.
The MOON will conjunct MERCURY thus encouraging the better expression of emotions, especially those related to the domain of family and intimate relationships, as well as the need to express something through a written form or shape. Everything that lies on your soul will be good to be expressed, but still pay attention to changing moods, and leave important decisions for later.
MARS is on the last degrees of the quick-witted, agile and communicative GEMINI and on March 25th it finally leaves this sign after a seven-month stay to move into family oriented CANCER, a sign where it is in fall, because this sign is dominated by the Moon, which means that emotions dominate here, subconscious currents as well as fluctuating moods. So as a dynamic planet, MARS will not be able to find its best expression. The focus will be on domestic situations, relations with the mother and country of residence, so patriotism will be on the rise. MARS will remain in CANCER until May 20, and at the very beginning MARS will aspect SATURN with a trine and PLUTO with a quincunx.
JUPITER has already entered the second half of ARIES, from where it spreads enthusiasm for initiating individual projects and confidence in personal strengths and capacities.
SATURN is for the first time since the nineties again in the sign of the imaginative and artistic PISCES, from where it seeks and gives structure to scattered ideas or nebulous feelings, by encouraging us to face repressed fears, feelings of loneliness, anxiety or overwhelmed sensitivity in a concrete way. That’s why during this stay here we will look for ways, connections, words and words again for some deep longings, underwater currents that change and pull us in all directions like mermaids and mythical creatures through the seaweed. Hence the fear and attraction to mysticism and parapsychology: what is it that prompts people to behave in one way or another?… (Saturn’s last transit through Pisces took place from May 21, 1993 to June 30, 1993 and again from January 28, 1994 to April 7, 1996.). The role of the Lord of Time in this sign is twofold — Saturn in Pisces is a destroyer and a restorer who reminds us of our shared grief as well as our ability to heal and repair together.
URANUS has already entered the second half of TAURUS from where it makes sudden changes in food supply, product prices and business.
NEPTUNE is in the realm of receptive and imaginative PISCES and PLUTO is at the last degree of organized CAPRICORN from where it makes the last attempts to rule, rule and rule… Power rests somewhere behind thick doors… PLUTO is trine SEDNA and square HAUMEA, a situation which requires us to collectively live in cooperative balance with the movement of these cycles, noting matter as solid, liquid and gaseous. On a practical level this means a new job, project, conception, birth or energetic expansion in relationships. There is only one road that touches the sky and we are waiting for that sign…
On March 23, PLUTO enters AQUARIUS for the first time since 1798, where it will be from March 23, 2023 to June 11, 2023, and thanks to its retrograde movement later from January 20, 2024, to September 1, 2024, again from November 19, 2024, when it will remain in this sign until January 19, 2044. The role of PLUTO in AQUARIUS is to connect people with similar and advanced ideas in new responsibilities, and as the God of the Underworld will bring us new insights from the other side of the mirror, life after death, as well as a change in our understanding of the human psyche and understanding of the process of death, dying and the higher realms of existence. Regarding the development of technology, for more information read here >
From April to November, the Nodal axis is in a T-square with Pluto that requires intense change. In July, Pluto will once again square the Nodes, a month when it returns to Capricorn, and also as the South Node ends its stay in the mysterious sign of Scorpio.
This NEW MOON is occurring at 00° Aries 49′, and the Sabian symbol for this degree is called — A WOMAN JUST RISEN FROM THE SEA. A SEAL IS EMBRACING HER. The name itself indicates the emergence of a strong urge for change and transformation. We consciously know that these are destined steps by which we leave the past behind to be in the right place and function (“destiny”) in the planetary organism of the Earth and with a certain type of people, society and culture.
All this is related to the Spring Equinox, because this is also the first degree of this sign, a moment when we discover that we have the strength to face all challenges again despite previous failures because we are aware that we have the power to make the necessary changes in our life .
``To be individually conscious is to emerge from the sea of generic and collective consciousness — which appears to the emergent mind as unconsciousness. Such occurrence is a primary event. It is the result of some basic action: leaving behind, coming out of the womb or matrix, here symbolized by the sea.
Such an action should not be considered a powerful, positive statement of the individual being. In the beginning is the Law; but often it is an imperceptible, uncertain act. The little delicate germ emerging from the seed does not loudly announce its existence. It has to break through the crust of the soil that is still covered with the remains of the past. It’s all potential and minimal real presence.
Therefore, in the symbol, the manifest entity is Woman; symbolically speaking, a form of existence still close to the unconscious depths of generic biological nature, filled with a desire to be rather than self-affirmation. The woman is seen embraced by a seal because the seal is a mammal that once experienced a biological, evolutionary, but relatively unconscious emergence, yet which has retraced its steps and “returned to the womb” of the sea. The seal, therefore, represents a regressive step. It embraces the Woman who has emerged, because every emergent process at first is susceptible to failure. This process is indeed surrounded by the memory, the ghosts of past failures during previous cycles. The impulse upward is held back by regressive fear or insecurity; the issue of the conflict depends on the relative strength of the future-ward and the past-ward forces.
The possibility of success and failure is implied throughout the actualization process. Every release of potential contains this twofold possibility. It inevitably opens two paths: one leads to “perfection” in consciousness, the other to “disintegration” — a return to the undifferentiated state (a state of humus, manure, cosmic dust — i.e. to the symbolic “great Waters of space,” to chaos ).
This symbol characterizes the first of the five stages that are repeated on three levels. This phase represents the opening statement, or theme, of the five-fold series relating to the first level: IMPULSE TO BE.``
This is a symbol of action, strength, daring, honour, justice, fair play and law. Fire-power, hope, spiritual faith, passion, strong ego and jealousy. Beginning of new cycles, births, concrete manifestation. Tropical islands and countries. Water and oceans. It is inevitable that we will leave something behind as we move into this new territory.
In astro-meteorology, the NEW MOON in ARIES will bring dynamic, warmer weather with periods of heavy rains and brief torrential downpours, followed by periods of sunshine and bright days. In anatomy, ARIES rules the top of the head all the way to the upper jaw, so you will need to pay attention to this part of the body, especially the eyes and possible headaches. Precious stones that represent this sign are ruby, coral, diamond and eventually amethyst. Metals dominated by this sign are iron and steel, and the colour is red.
Trust that this New Moon will help you regenerate, reduce stress and enter a more creative phase — physically and spiritually. If you felt like you were suffering from a lack of enthusiasm and vitality, now you will discover how your focus, passion for life and the energy you need to cope with the demands of the life you have chosen are improving.
If you need more information on a personal level about this New Moon or are interested in doing another type of astrological consultation, you can contact me at the following email: Of course, check beforehand for availability.
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@Irena Tancheva
Reference > Sabian symbols, Dane Rudhyar